Ahhh....real Saturday.....back in our sticks and bricks, workaday lives Saturdays consisted mostly of time spent involved with our kids in youth soccer (AYSO). Sundays were reserved for church (mornings) and if there were any 'do it yourself' projects they happened Sunday afternoons. There was always this tension of rushing to get a project done in one afternoon so as not to disrupt our household too much, and taking time to do the job properly. Essentially home improvement, or repair projects were squeezed into an otherwise already busy schedule. There is no rush anymore......no tight time frames to deal with anymore. It's okay if a project does not get finished in one day......even if there is ample time. Sometimes you just take a break and finish the next day.
I mentioned yesterday that I had a couple of big projects to take care of at our property, and one of those was to replace a section of ceiling drywall in the downstairs bathroom. The ceiling had been damaged by a leak from the upstairs bathroom, which is directly above this bathroom. My son, Tim, had removed the bad drywall, so it was time to trim, and square up the edges of the remaining drywall, cut a new piece to fit, install it, and tape it so it can be repainted.....and that is precisely what we did on real Saturday. We met our son at the house a little after 0900, and after a quick trip to Home Depot to buy a 4' X 8' piece of 1/2" drywall he and I got to work. As always, the work preparing the space for the new drywall took the longest......once we had everything cleaned up and ready, the installation went quickly, and by 1330 we had finished taping the joints, and applying the first layer of joint compound. I'll return Sunday to sand the first coat and apply a second coat as needed......
.....once that process is completed it will be time to apply a couple of coats of paint, and the bathroom will be ready to use again! Thanks to my son Tim for his help....without you it would have been a two day job.
We were back home by 1430, and relaxing......after spending 5 hours with my hands and arms mostly above my head I was ready for a good nap. We spent the rest of the day relaxing, and later in the evening watched a 'pay per view' movie called 'Bridge of Spies' starring Tom Hanks. If you haven't seen it yet, I can tell you it is worth the time.....a very intriguing movie based on a true story! IMDB gives the movie 4 stars out of a possible 5.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Another productive day, looking good.