Monday, November 12, 2018


4:17 am - Monday - November 12th - Campbellsville, KY - 39º F, 82% humidity, wind 1 mph out of the west by northwest.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 46º F and rain beginning around 10 am.....we'll be in the concrete bunker then.

Sunday was just another day like all the other days inside the concrete bunker except for one thing.....around 3:40 pm the fire alarm went off and we all proceeded to evacuate the bunker as we had been previously instructed using the nearest exit door.  I was working in P-1-C at the time (Building 'A') so I parked my cart, and joined the exiting throngs.  Fortunately the sun was peaking out from behind the clouds and it wasn't too cold....remember, I am dressed in a t-shirt and shorts....not exactly fall/winter wear here in central Kentucky.  As it turned out it was a drill and within 30 minutes we were back inside finishing the last 40 minutes of our shift.

Unlike Saturday when I finished the day feeling pretty good physically, Sunday I felt quite tired, and my legs were really tired.  We had planned to drive to work Sunday morning, but there was a heavy layer of frost (no kidding) on the windshield due to the sub freezing temps all night, and I didn't want to deal with it so we walked to work.  That meant we had to walk home, and I really could have used a ride.....oh well.

Amazon continues to introduce a new group of workers each week, and they will continue to do so until early in December as Peak Season reaches a fever pitch.  It wasn't too many days ago I was in that category, and learning my way around the labyrinth that is Amazon.  Now, after 20 some odd days I feel like a veteran once again....have we already been working that long?  We are almost to mid November with about 5 weeks to go in our 8 week marathon.

We will only be working 4 days in a row this week.....not MET, or VET on Tuesday, so we've got that working for us.  Looking forward to being off work for 3 consecutive days!  For dinner TLE served some vegetable soup she had made a few days ago, and it was perfect.  Reminded me more of minestrone than vegetable., and I love minestrone....yumm!  Well, that's it for Sunday....wish I had more for you, but its difficult writing about our day when every work day is remarkably similar.

Thanks for stopping by!

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