4:24 am - Saturday - November 10th - Campbellvsille, KY - 31º F, 77% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the west......partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 38º F. The low for the overnight has not yet arrived.....it will get down to 25º F by 8 am and then it will begin to warm to the high today of 38º F.
Friday was our second payday since beginning our 8 week stint here at Amazon. As it turns out we are getting paid about $15.75/hour and with weekend differential (we work every Saturday and Sunday) it gets over $16/hour. And there is more! If we complete our contract by working until our release date somewhere around December 22nd or 23rd we will get an additional $1.00/hour for every hour worked while we are here. On top of that Kentucky takes out about $40 per check on each of our check in taxes, which we will get back when we file our taxes.....that will come to another $640+. On top of that we will get all, or most all of our Federal taxes withheld for another $800+.
Now that I have finished my math class for the day what did we do on Friday.....well, we each walked around 9-10 miles as we do virtually every day.....sometimes more, sometimes a little less. I continued to 'pick' in Building 'B', which I am loving. There is so much variety, and I get moved around through all the Pick Mods on a regular basis, so I never get totally bored. TLE, on the other hand, is still stuck in what she calls 'Pick Mod E Hell' in Building 'C'.
We had our second 'Holiday' meal on Friday, and another extended lunch from 11:15 am to 12 pm, with 15 minutes paid. The day seemed to pass quickly, and even though we all know that 10.5 hours is 10.5 hours all day and all night, it is the perception in your mind that makes it feel like just 10.5 hours, and not 21 hours.
One important note.....well, not so important in the overall scheme of things, but important to note that we drove the VW to work Friday morning as it was raining quite hard. There was no way we would be able to make the 1/4 mile walk to work without getting drenched. As it turned out we were able to get out of the parking lot pretty quickly.....less than 5 minutes, and were home shortly thereafter.
The first day back at work after a couple of days off work there is always a readjustment to the endless walking, and noise of 1,000 fans moving air throughout the concrete bunker. Sometimes you forget how loud it is until you get into an area of the building where there are very few fans blowing, and that is a small section of Building 'A' where I spent the last two hours of Friday 'picking'. It was so quiet!
For dinner I finished off the rest of the spare ribs from Brothers BBQ. TLE heated them up with the leftover french fries to the perfect temperature, and they tasted just as good as they did two nights ago! That made my day!
As is our custom we were in bed by 8 pm, but with the front heater still running. 98% of the time we turn all the heaters off at night, but it was supposed to get into the low 30's Friday night/Saturday morning and that would mean it would get down to the 50's inside without the heater. We managed to keep it a comfortable 61º F in the bedroom with the aid of the front heater....perfect!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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