As you can imagine, Tuesday was a day to recharge our batteries, if you will. We went to bed pretty early, and I was up by 6, which is pretty normal for me, but after writing yesterday's blog entry, wiping off the 'Bird, and then spending some time outside setting up our patio awning, and bringing the chairs and other stuff back over from the trailer I was ready for a, that was some "run on sentence" huh? My brain and body were still tired, so I napped for about 2 hours then spent the rest of the day reading as by the time I woke up from the nap it was after 12, and it was getting hot. We are in the middle of the last gasp of summer up here in the northern climes, and the next 6 days will be in the high 80's and low 90's, then the temps drop off the table to 70's and 60's. By the time we arrive in Sidney, MT Fall will be taking hold once again.
Before I took my nap Hilary sent me an e-mail asking if we were interested in coming to their home for dinner, which, of course, we always are. She wanted to hold a small birthday celebration for TLE (she stayed 50 years old again for another year on September 9th). She says when she turned fifty on 9/9/1999 she was done counting birthdays and would remain 50 years old from that point on......she's not fooling me......I know she's really 39......:-)
There was not much to the rest of the day except I was supposed to meet the gentleman who bought my Burley Nomad bike trailer on Ebay in Liberty Lake at 6 pm to exchange the trailer for the winning bid, however, as we were pulling into the CampingWorld parking lot (our meeting place) I got a message that he could not be there until 6:30...well, our dinner date at my sister's home was for 6:30 so we'll have to rendezvous at another time.
My brother-in-law, Bob, BBQ'd flank steaks that had been marinating all day, and my sister Hilary prepared fresh tomatoes stuffed with bleu cheese, and fresh green beans. We drank a little champagne to celebrate the beginning of another year of life for The Lovely Elaine, then settled down to dinner on their deck as the sun was setting and the moon was rising. My niece, Stephanie, who is quite clever, suddenly said "I hate this nice weather!" which got us all to laughing....she was being facetious, of course.
For dessert Hilary brought out Plum Tarts a la Chef Ramsey would say, "they were restaurant quality", and if he had been there to actually say that I would have heartily agreed. We sat and talked about world events, cabbages and kings until almost 11 pm when we bid adieu to my mother, sister and family, and headed for our "home" in Coeur d'Alene.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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