10:32 am - Saturday - It got down to 35 degrees early this morning......inside our bedroom it was down to 58 degrees with my window open.....it hasn't gotten under 60 in 6 weeks! Right now it is about 49 degrees....a definite change in weather.
I've been putting off getting a new cell phone for about 10 months....I was eligible back in October for an upgrade, but I hate getting a new phone.....I hate it. I know from experience it will suck hours out of my life getting the new phone set up which I will never get back. My old phone (Samsung Note 3) was a wonderful phone, and is by far the best phone I have ever had. It was just beat up from 2+ years of being dropped and banged around. In spite of all the drops the screen never cracked. My new phone is a Samsung Note 5, which is essentially the same phone, but with new features including being water resistant. In the past I have tried to activate a new phone online, but it always takes forever, so this time I just drove 1 mile over to the local Verizon store to have them do it for me. After a 30 minute wait I handed my old and new phones to Lilyanne, a 20 something wireless consultant who knows her stuff, and she took me through the activation process. Within 30 minutes I was on my way home, but still had to download all my special applications, which I did before I went to work, and for a couple of hours after I got home at midnight. So, all in all, I spent about 5 hours getting my phone to a usable state. I still have to download my pictures and music from the 'Cloud', which will take a while......just my music will take 2 hours to download....but I don't have to be around to do that. It.....the Note 5.....is sitting there as I type doing all the work.
We were on the job by 3:20 pm.......Miguel, the head ranger, asked me if I had seen the maintenance yard changes. I asked 'what changes?', to which he replied our monstrous pile of junk, trash, etc. (about 15' high and 50' x 50' square) had been hauled away. Wait, what? It's been there for 10 years...........
......he drove me down to the yard, and sure enough, it is gone! Wow! Once again, kudos to Robert, our manager, for getting stuff done!
It was another laid back evening.......a few noise issues here and there, but I dealt with them quickly, and actually received a complimentary note from a customer praising me for staying on top of the noise last night....cool! There were three clogged toilets to deal with on our last swing through the park checking the restrooms at 11:30 pm, but otherwise all was in order there, too.
I have been given the task to find, and interview fulltimers to come work here at TVC next summer (2017). So far I have received responses from 15 folks (7 couples, and one single) who are submitting resumes. If any of my fulltimer readers are also interested please leave me a message with your e-mail address and I'll contact you for more information. We need people with electrical and plumbing skills for maintenance, we need day and night rangers (security), housekeeping, front office, activities director, and grounds upkeep (pool, site cleaning, landscaping, etc.).
We were home a little past midnight and in bed, as I mentioned earlier, by 2 am.....thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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