7:15 am - Wednesday - February 10th - Seal Rock, OR - 30° F (our coldest overnight low since we arrived 9/15/2020), 100% humidity, wind - zero mph out of the north.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 47° F. On this date in 2020 we we watching our 7th sunset near Borrego Springs, CA....we boondocked there for one month........↴
Tuesday we were rain free once again so I continued mowing at site #3, and continued all the way around to site #25......22 sites in all! The only sites remaining to be mowed are the tent sites in the restroom cul-de-sac, as we call it. Just as I was finishing site #25 the lawnmower handle broke due to metal fatigue....how timely. I put the mower away in the landscape shed, and then walked over to where Terry and Blake were working (trimming another hedge) to advise Terry of the lawn mower problem, and then I was off walking home.
I mentioned a few days ago that I needed to reseal the roof of the trailer as the lap sealant has begun to separate itself from the roof surface. I spent about 45 minutes peeling, and scrapping the old lap sealant off the roof so I could get right to applying the new lap sealant after I returned from my 2 pm haircut appointment in Waldport.
TLE was home a little after 1 pm, and by 1:30 pm we were driving into Waldport....she to pick up some groceries, and me to pickup a prescription, and get my ears lowered. We were on our way home by 2:20 pm.
I ordered 4 tubes of Dicor lap sealant to go along with the one I had on hand for a total of 5, and it took exactly 5 tubes to reseal the roof. I finished applying the Dicor around 3:15 pm, and man was it getting cold. I quickly put away my ladder, and the tools I was using, and then retrieved my trickle charger from the electrical bay to attach to the VW battery while we are gone. Once that was done I was back inside warming up my extremities once again.
We have been watching the weather forecast for Thursday with some concern as it shows a 99% chance of rain that day. We hate driving in the rain, and we do everything in our power to keep from doing that, but it looked as if we were in for a tough drive Thursday. While I was reviewing the forecast one more time I saw Terry drive into the site next to us so I went out to see what he needed. He was concerned about us driving in the rain, and possibly snow Thursday, so he wanted us to leave Wednesday instead.....how sweet is that? I cannot tell you how unexpected this was, but in retrospect it should not have surprised me. He and Michele and right up there with Rich and Marnie as far as wonderful campground managers go. Of course, I immediately accepted his offer. To be honest, I had thought about asking him if we could leave a day early, but knowing Wednesday is his day off I did not want to put he and Michele on the spot.
Contrary to our normal travel style we do not make reservations, but since it is winter, and not every RV park in the northwest remains open I made reservations for first two nights to assure us of a full hookup spot each night since we do not have a working alternator, and will need to recharge each evening by plugging in the coach. Once we get further south where there is reliable sunshine we can probably dry camp a couple of times on our way to Wittmann, AZ relying upon our solar system to recharge them. Since our departure day has now changed I had to call the two RV parks to change our reservations and was able to do so without any problem.
We were treated to a beautiful sunset Tuesday evening.......
Red sky at night, sailors delight...... |
....so, here I sit typing my latest blog post offering thinking about the dozens of things I need to do in the next few hours before we roll our wheels. The weather for today (Wednesday) looks wonderful.
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