Sunday, March 13, 2022

March showers.....

 1:25 pm - Sunday - March 13th - Anza Borrego, CA - 81° F, 11% humidity, wind 21 mph out of the west by southwest.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 82° F.  On this date in 2012 we had just arrived at Stewart Beach RV Park on Galveston Island, TX.......↴

Saturday began with temps in the high 30's, but it quickly warmed as is most always the case in the desert.  We were scheduled to depart our boondock site around 12 pm (we actually left around 12:15 pm) to head into Rancho Cucamonga to attend the wedding shower for our granddaughter Cynthia, and her betrothed, Daniel.  We wanted to arrive at the home of my son Tim, and Laila between 2 and 3 pm, and we arrived, after one short stop in Coachella to pick up four packages from the Amazon lockers, and then a traffic jam in Moreno Valley, around 2:40 pm.

By 4:30 pm we were on our way to the home of Chris (son) and Rochelle (daughter-in-law) who were hosting the shower.  I have to note here that Rochelle is one of my most avid blog readers, and she almost always has questions for me, and/or praise to offer.  I'm always surprised to find that people other than my children read my musings.  I consider it high praise that she interested in what an old guy has to say.   We arrived at their home just before 5 pm, and within minutes we were moving from one conversation to another, and that is how it continued for over 3 hours......

With my daughters Sharon (left) and Kate (right)

Chris (turns 50 this year) talking to Cynthia (his daughter)

With my daughter Meredith

With Meredith, Jeannie (sister-in-law), and my brother Philip

TLE talking with Keith....a close friend on Chris' going back to the late 80's.  I see I caught Keith frowning, but he almost always has a broad smile upon his face.

Chris and Rochelle had the event catered by 'Taco Man' (were they ever great tacos!),  and there was an open to make it even more special. There were probably 0ver 70 people in attendance, and the backyard was packed from one end to the other.  This is just the first event in a series of events leading up to the wedding on April 2nd.  My daughter Meredith will be presiding.....yeah, I know.....very cool, huh?

We left around 8:30 pm to head back with Tim and Laila to their home in Ontario (they own a home in the same neighborhood in which our former home is located).  We talked with them until after 10 pm before I finally hit the hay knowing we would lose an hour of time to DST by the time we awakened on Sunday.

As always my heart is still full of love, and happiness after spending time with my children, and their children, as well as many lifetime friends of our children who were in attendance.  I can't believe some of them have already passed the '50' mark in life, and that my son will soon join them seems almost surreal.

Thanks for stopping by!

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