7:44 am - Wednesday - March 2nd - Newell House, AZ - 49° F, 38% humidity, wind 2 mph out of the north by northeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 83° F. On this date in 2014 I was recovering from a double hernia operation....I weighed around 187....the last time I weighed under 190......I still have those jeans, and I will fit them once again in the very near future......↴

We will be departing Newell House in a few days, and so began the inevitable reorganizing of the trailer on Tuesday in anticipation of VW insertion. It was destined to be a warm day with a forecast high of 82° F, so we took our first 1.25 mile walk of the day around 8:45 am enabling me to get as much done in the trailer as possible before it became too warm. As I often say 'warm' is a relative term.....when it's been in the mid to high 60's for weeks on end it feels warm when it gets into the 80's. I am sure there will be days this summer when we will look back fondly upon 82° F, but for now it feels too warm.....lol.By 12 noon I had gotten a lot done, and was pretty confident I would be able to finish the organizing by Wednesday......
All 3 bikes are stowed....
.....along with the bench grinder, and Workmate table
.....all that remained to do Tuesday was to install the new Gates radiator cap when it arrived. This is the wonder of Amazon when you live close to the big city.....you can order stuff at 5 pm Monday, and it arrives at your location within 24 hours. Of course, there was s a little worry wandering around in the back of my mind.....I wasn't sure if I ordered the correct size. It's a lot like trying to buy shoes online.....it's a crapshoot whether, or not you ordered the shoe in the correct size, and width for that particular brand. I prefer to by my shoes, and radiator caps in person.....lol.
But, alas, my worry, as is oft the case, was misplaced.....the new radiator cap arrived around 4:30 pm, and within minutes I had installed it and confirmed I did, indeed, order the correct one. Apparently, the type of radiator cap I need is called a 'standard' size cap, and that is what I received.....the only variable in these 'standard' caps is the pressure rating......
The Gates box....item # 31527
.....all that remains now is to fire up the big Detroit Diesel 6v92, and see if there are any leaks when the system is under pressure. I'm not sure what the pressure is, or should be, but this radiator cap is rated at 13 psi, which is the pressure at which it begins to vent.
We avoided turning on the A/C Tuesday, which makes me happy. I really don't like living in air conditioning, but when it is needed I will gladly employ it to reduce my suffering. That reminds me, I need to check the filters on our two A/C units to get ready for summer. Speaking of summer I checked the average temperatures for Likely, CA in the summer time, and they run from the low 70's to high 80's, with a few days in the 90's....we shall see what we shall see.
Thanks for stopping by!
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