Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 8:48 am - Wednesday - January 10th - GNHS - 42° F, humidity 53%, wind 3 mph out of the south by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 60° F.  On this date in 1978 my father, Arthur Ray Hockwald, passed on at the tender age of amazing, wonderful, good, bigger than life man gone too soon.....he would have been 100 years old this year......still miss you every single day Dad!

....and on this date in 1985, exactly 7 years later, my third daughter, Sharon Suzanne, was born......

TLE and I took a day off from walking Tuesday....we've walked lot of miles in the past two weeks, and it was time for a one day hiatus.  Instead we drove into Mecca to do a small shopping.  There is a Family Dollar store there, and a lovely Mexican market with wonderful produce.  But I get ahead of myself.

Before we left for Mecca we put the 'lido deck' back together for the first time in a couple of days.  As you will recall we took down the sail shades, the 'red wall' on the popup, and our umbrellas due to the 20+ mph north winds on Sunday.  We've gotten to where we can take everything down, and put it all back up in about 10 minutes (10 minutes each direction, that is).  Next I washed the VW for the first time in a month, or so.  There is nothing like driving a clean car.

The drive into Mecca (we left a little after 10:30 am) was beautiful, and uneventful....just  as we like it.  Within an hour we had all of our purchases stowed in the hatchback of the Beetle and were on our way back home where we arrived about 12:30 pm.

On the drive I discovered one of our window washer nozzles wasn't putting out any water when I attempted to clean the windshield, and the other was putting out a very weak spray, so when we returned I popped the hood open, and took a look.  Well, the problem was pretty obvious.  The barbed connector one of the nozzles had broken, and the hose was no longer attached.  I don't have any extras, so I'll have to order a new one off Amazon, and fix it when it comes in the mail.  This is the second time I've replaced this nozzle, so I'll order more than one this time.  By the way, has anyone noticed that almost everything Amazon ships the last few months is via USPS?  Until recently it was almost exclusively via UPS, at least to Likely, CA and Niland, CA.

Nothing more to report about Tuesday except I took two long naps, which surprised me as I have been sleeping quite well the past couple of weeks....probably all that walking I'm doing....who knows?  I love those naps that seem to come out of no where.  You know, you're watching a YouTube video feeling quite alert, and the next thing you know you're waking up 30 minutes

My right knee continues to heal, and most of the time now I don't even think about it, so that's a good thing.  It's funny how when you are in the middle of something like that and every movement hurts, it is on your mind 24/7, and you begin to think it will never get better, then, within a few days, it all changes for the good, and you're suddenly thinking about it less than 1% of the time.  At any rate, I'm grateful to be on the mend, and able to walk with TLE again.

About 4:45 pm (the sun is setting much later now) I went outside to get a picture of the Chocolates, and the setting sun.  It appeared it would be an ordinary sunset.....

Chocolates light display - normal

Sun setting...normal....nothing going on here, but keep your eye on that cloud bank above the western horizon

.....not much happening, right, so I went back inside. Just a few minutes later I looked out the salon window to see this, and hurried back outside......↴

And then this happens!

....the cloud bank above the western horizon begins lighting up a tad after 5 pm, well after the had sun set.  To think I almost missed that!

Thanks for stopping by!

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