Sunday, February 18, 2024

Busy? Sort of....

 6:46 am - Sunday - February 18th - GNHS - 54° F, humidity 72%, wind 5 mph out of the north by northwest......partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 73° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were watching the sun set in the Anza Borrego Desert......

Saturday was a busy day for COA....we had 5 all day rentals.  TLE, Hunter and I were on the job by 8 am.  There is always quite a flurry of activity between 8 am and 9:15 am when we have a lot of all day rentals, but we got them all on their way without too much confusion. Whenever we have multiple all day rentals we hope they don't all show up at 8:30 am, and they didn't.  Each group slowly trickled in over 30 minutes which made it easy for us to process them, and their 'paper work'.  It appears we'll have 7 all day rentals on Sunday, so that will be our biggest day since New Years weekend.

Once our customers were out in the field we all settled in to await their return.  Theoretically, they can keep the RZRs out until 5 pm, but they typically will begin to return sometime after 3 pm, which allows us time to fuel, and wash each one, and still clock out by 5 pm.

TLE and I took a 1 mile out and back walk around 2:30 pm averaging 3.4 mph.....

Hmmmm....I thought I was!

....when we weren't walking we were sitting on the 'lido deck' I've said before, this is a very easy job.  There's a flurry of activity between 8 and 9 am, then a lot of time in between sitting, hoping there are no accidents, and no rescues, then it gets busy again around 3 pm as the customers begin to return.

True to form our first customer returned around 3:15 pm, and by 3:30 pm I had fueled and washed that RZR.  I ended up washing 3 of the 5, and Hunter the other two, but we got them all done, and put away by 5 pm....not bad.  Another day without incident....just happy, smiling customers.

By the time I got out of the shower, and dressed the sun set had passed, but I captured some of the afterglow around 5:30 pm....., we've got about 40 days remaining in our winter job, then it's time to begin the trek north to LPG&RVR.  This year we'll be able to take more time to drive the 800+ miles, so that will be nice.

Thanks for stopping by!

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