Friday, February 23, 2024

What a night!

7:46 am - Friday - February 23rd - GNHS - 56° F, humidity 67%, wind 5 mph out of the north.....mostly cloudy today with a forecast high of 74° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were wintering at the Grand Canyon, and in the middle of a winter snow storm.....

 TLE and I were out the door around 9:30 am on Thursday to do a 2 mile out and back walk.  Why 2 miles?  Well we were expecting guests early afternoon, and wanted to be sure we got in at least 2 miles early as we didn't think we'd have time to walk in the afternoon.  We managed to walk the 2 miles at a 3.4 mph rate.  The air was crisp, and there was a nice northwest breeze blowing to keep us from overheating. As it begins to warm here on the east side of the Salton Sea we will need to begin to physically adjust from temps in the 60's to temps in the mid to high 70's now for the foreseeable future, and gradually will have to adjust to temps in the 80's and 90's before we leave April 1st.....

.....after our walk we settled into preparing for the arrival of long time friend Tom Carrozzo and his wife Claire.  I've known Tom since 1962 when we were in the 7th grade (12 years old), and over our coming of age years we embarked on one great adventure after another.  We had 17 kids in our private school graduating class and Tom and I are just two of a very few surviving members of that Class of 1967, which I think now stands at 6.  Tom and his wife live in West Covina, and do a lot of world traveling now that they are retired, so we haven't been able to hook up for about 7 years, but whenever we do get together it is as if no time has passed.  TLE has known Tom since 1967 when she moved to Pasadena, CA from Miami, FL, so we share a lot of common history.

Tom and Claire arrived around 2:30 pm, and we go them settled into the Bombay Beach Bungalow, which is right behind our site.  We spent time reminiscing before heading home to begin to do dinner prep, and take showers.  Tom and Clair came over about 5 pm, and we sat on the 'firepit deck' sipping cocktails, and more reminiscing.

While that was going on I had lit the Sea-B-Que, and was grilling two large Ahi steaks TLE had purchased at COSTCO on Wednesday.  By 5:45 pm we were sitting down to a great dinner, and much more non-stop conversation...... is amazing to me how both of us recall events from our youth exactly as I remember them.  One example was from the time we spent two weeks on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu in 1969.  There was a 60's song by the Archies called 'Sugar, Sugar' that debuted while we were there, and he remembered hearing that song for the first time, just as I do, being played on a my transistor radio while we were in our hotel room one morning.

The conversation took many twists, and turns over the course of the evening, and by 9:30 pm we were all ready to call it a day.  What a night!

Thanks for stopping by!

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