Sunday, February 4, 2024

The rest of the story....

 6:54 am - Sunday - February 4th - GNHS - 52° F, 91% humidity, wind 6 mph out of the east by southeast.....heavy cloud cover today, rain tomorrow, and a forecast high today of 64° F.  On this date in 2011 TLE and I were camping at Rincon Parkway (just north of Ventura)  with Phil and Jeannie, just a few feet from the waves......

It occurs to me this morning (Sunday) that I neglected to mention in yesterday's missive that power was restored to GNHS around 10:30 am Friday morning, after being without power for around 19 hours.  The little Honda eu2000 did her job keeping the Newell powered, and all systems running great.  First thing Friday morning we had to plug the COA office into the generator to power up the computers so we could conduct the RZR rental business without interruption.  Any way, now you have the 'rest of the story'.

We had just two RZR rentals 1/2 day four seat RZR, and one all day 2 seat General.  By 10 am everyone was off on their adventures, and then we spent time wiping down the unrented RZRs, which had become water spotted during the all day rain event on Thursday.  

Once everyone was out TLE and I took our first 1 mile out and back walk around 10:30 am averaging around 3.4 mph. With the last rain storm we could see a lot more snow on Mounts San Jacinto and San Gorgornio.....

Click on picture to enlarge....San Jacinto on the left and 
San Gorgornio on the  right

.....once back from our 18 minute walk I decided to install the final reading light which is over TLE's passenger seat.....

.....that's her light on the right.  I've been wanting to replace those 7 reading lights for a long time, and now it is finally done.  Additionally, I installed a red lens on the reading light over my dashboard. We don't drive the Newell at night often.....maybe 3 times over the past 12 years..... but when we do I've wanted a red light to illuminate the dashboard area for a long time.  The instrument lights are insufficient, and I need to be able to read those gauges.....


Our 1/2 day rental came back about an hour early, but they had a great time, and didn't wreck our RZR, so all is good!  I quickly got it refueled, then washed, and it was time for our second 1 mile out and back walk of the day.  We managed to average 3.4 mph once again...

.....around 3:30 pm we noticed the all day rental had returned to the park, and was parked over by the hot pools.  Since it was back without incident TLE and I went ahead and clocked out for the day, leaving Hunter to take care of the rental check-in.  After a shower (me) we headed out to the 'viewing deck' to watch the Chocolates light up......

....which they did, however, heavy cloud cover to the west obliterated any sunset we might have gotten.  From the 'viewing deck' we retired to the 'firepit deck'.....

....for some adult beverages, and music from the Etta James channel on Pandora.

TLE made bacon wrapped meatloaf for dinner.  She's never made that before, but it was delicious.  Bacon just makes everything better, right?  I wish I had thought to take a picture of it.  After dinner we headed over to the 'dining/game deck' to continue that game of Mexican Train we began the other night.  I had been leading the game from the beginning with the fewest points, but by the end of the final game around 7:15 pm TLE overtook me, and won.  Win, or lose, it was a lot of fun!

Thanks for stopping by!

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