One question that must be in the back of your mind when you think about living full time in an RV is what happens when "I" get sick? It's not "if", but "when" I get sick, because you will get sick if you are around enough people in a variety of locations, so the odds are high you will catch a "bug" at some point. You wonder, can I be sick "comfortably" in my RV, whatever type it may be? I know, I know.......sick and comfortable seem to be opposing forces, but I think you know where I'm going with these questions. When you're sick you, you need to know you've got a safe, comfortable, warm place to let your illness run its course. You would want to have access to a pharmacy, or well stocked super market for any necessary over the counter medicines that might ease your symptoms to any degree.
These are things I have been thinking about since we hit the road 13+ months ago. Every time I would wake up with a cough, or scratchy throat I would think "how will I deal with this on the road?". Well, now I know. In this specific case we found a "safe harbor", if you will, with our friends Ann and Elliott.....a place where we could sit still for a week, if need be, have access to electricity, fresh water, and time to recuperate. In this case we were a long ways from a supermarket, or pharmacy, but we had some of the basic over the counter stuff available for the short term, and a host willing to make a "drug run" for us to resupply. We do carry a basic decongestant, as well as Motrin, Aleve, and Ricola cough drops, but if the illness goes on for a week, or so, we would need to restock some of those items.....after all there is only so much room in an RV.
Well, after a week of being "sick" I am on the mend, and in fact, I feel much, much better this morning (Friday) than I have for the last 4 days. My cough has gone away, and I have not had to blow my nose but once, or twice in the last 24 hours. I have had two good nights of sleep back to back.
Thursday we just decided, once again, to not go out, or do anything. TLE was pretty much past her stomach ailment, and I was feeling much better, but we just did not want to exert ourselves in anyway....we want this to be over, and not end up with a relapse.
I spent the day doing insurance work, writing my daily blog entry, napping, and then watching some "bad" "bad" I mean programs I would not normally watch, but did so yesterday to pass the time. I had just finished reading a book, and I like to have a day in between books to ponder what I just read, and to let my head clear from the last one. When I read an intense book like "wild" I get emotionally involved to a degree and it is hard to just move on to another book immediately.
After 5 pm I got a call from Elliott saying we had mail.....mail? I wasn't expecting anything, but then I remembered I had left this address on a voice mail at the offices of the Sugar Beet Harvest people in North Dakota so they could mail us an application, and that is exactly what was in the envelope. To explain, the Sugar Beet Harvest occurs in October, and lasts about 3 weeks, give, or take a few days. They hire folks like us to help supplement their staff. The pay is good, and we are in and out quickly. Essentially we would work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 3 weeks. This is not stoop labor...we would be taking samples from loads that come in, checking trucks in through the gate, etc. We know what it is like to be on our feet for 12 hours at a time, and we can do anything for 3 weeks. We chose this as our next workamping experiment as we have met some people who have done it, and they had nothing but good things to say about the employer, and the work. We will be working at their site in northeast Montana near Sydney, and just need to be on site the last few days in September.
Looking forward to what Friday brings.....we've been cooped up for 3 days, and are ready for some action!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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