Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Fine tuning my projects......

7:06 am - Tuesday - November 5th - Ramona, CA - 39° F, 62% humidity, wind - 3 mph out of the south by southeast......clear, blue skies today with a forecast high of 84° F.

Monday was more of a 'normal' day for me.  I began my day raking the horseshoe pits, then moseyed down to the pool to check the chlorine and PH levels, then using the net pulled all of the large leaves off the bottom of the pool.  Once that was done I swept up all of the leaves scattered across the entire pool deck to keep them from being blown into the pool when the breezes came up later in the day.  From there I proceeded up to the mini golf course to blow a week's worth of leaves off the holes.....it was windy most of last week, and we don't waste our time blowing leaves when the wind is also blowing them.

After that I headed to the office to wash my cart, which hasn't had a bath in about 10 days.....that brought me up to lunch time with TLE.  After lunch I returned to my two 'path' projects to finish working with the pavers I had put down last week.  At the pond path I pulled the bench out of the site, and began reworking the pavers moving the ones I had installed last week forward in the site so they are now flush with the 8"x 8" beam I was using as a small retaining wall.  Then I placed three rectangular pavers behind them against the dirt bank.  I think this looks much better.....

Before↗ and after↴

.....after that I helped Rich for about an hour diagnosing an issue with the cherry picker, and then returned to the 'creek' path to level the bench.  I removed the wooden seat, and back then pulled the 'Y' bracket and proceeded, using a hacksaw, to cut about 3" off of one leg.  Once that was done, I put it all back together again, and it looked much better.....I wish I had taken a picture.

By that time it was quitting time, so I headed back to the office to put away my tools and retrieve TLE for the ride home.  Another day in the books.  It was kind of weird driving home seeing the sun so low in the sky at 4 pm.....it was dusk within 48 minutes.

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1 comment:

  1. You do excellent work. RORVR is fortunate to have you.


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