7:43 am - Saturday - June 4th - Likely, CA - 51° F, humidity 62%, wind 9 mph out of the south by southwest.....heavy cloud cover today with a chance of rain, and a forecast high of 65° F. On this date in 2011 TLE and I were riding our bicycles along the Santa Ana River in SoCal.....yes, there is actually a flowing river in Southern California.....↴
.....our view this morning.......↴
It seems, pretty much, that we wake up too early on the first of our four off days, and Friday was no exception....we were both awake around 6 am, and couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well, there are always naps.
I had a 9:30 am appointment at Kaleidoscope in Alturas to get my ears lowered. You may recall I just got my hair cut on May 18th when we were down in Carson City. I did so then, because I couldn't get an appointment for one in Alturas until June 3rd. I decided to keep the appointment get onto Sheila's monthly calendar, plus I didn't want to cancel on her, and then try and get another one later this month. At any rate we were in the VW and on our way into Alturas by 8:55 am. We arrived at Kaleidoscope at 9:15 am where TLE dropped me off to go shopping at Rite Aid while I got my coif attended to by Sheila. As it turned out her 9 am appointment was a 'NO SHOW', and she was glad I was early.
Within 20 minutes she was done....only $20 for a haircut....not too bad....I just paid $28 in Carson City a few weeks ago. TLE was in the checkout line at Rite Aid (I know because I called her), so I decided to walk the two blocks to meet up with her....along the way I snapped a picture of the fuel prices at the local Pitstop.....$7.09 for diesel, and $6.69 for premium unleaded....Let's Go Brandon....lol. Thank goodness for the local Indian casino where premium unleaded is a 70 cents less per gallon, and diesel is over a buck less per gallon.....

.....TLE was just walking to the car when I arrived at the Rite Aid parking lot.....perfect timing!
From there we drove over to Holiday Market to do our main grocery shopping, then back into town where we stopped off at one of the numerous thrift stores to check it out, then on to our weekly visit to the local Ace Hardware store where we had three additional house keys made. You will recall I discovered our emergency key was missing from its hiding place under the Norcold refer when I forgot to grab my keys on the way out the door to work, and I had to walk over to the Clubhouse to get TLE's house key. We used to have a lot of house keys, so I'm puzzled as to where they all went.
We were home by 12:30 pm. I spent the rest of the afternoon tinkering around in the trailer, and working on a few small projects on which I have been procrastinating. Oh, by the way, I received and installed our new Sirius/XM receiver for the Newell....the old one was having serious issues, one of which was I kept getting the dreaded "NO SATELLITE SIGNAL" message, which I knew wasn't the case as we have an excellent view of the southern sky here at LPG&RVR. I was able to decommission the old failing receiver, and commission the new one all online the other day, so all that remained was to install it on the side of the center console, which I finally did Friday.....
....up until then it had been sitting on top of the console taking up valuable space. Now order is restored in my Sirius/XM world.
There was, by the way, a nice, long nap taken by moi mid afternoon in between projects, so I got that extra hour of sleep I lost because I woke up too early....once again, order restored. As the afternoon wore on the winds freshened a little, and the temperature began to drop in advance of the storm system moving into the valley. It began to rain shortly after TLE and I went to bed Friday evening, and rained on and off all night. In drought ridden California you never complain about rain.
Thanks for stopping by!
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