Friday, November 10, 2023

Involuntary confinement, again......

7:07 am - Friday - November 10th - GNHS - 55° F, humidity 35%, wind 4 mph out of the west by northwest......ahhh....NO wind today....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 78° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I were in Campbellsville, KY working at Amazon.....this is how our 'lido deck' looked then.....↴ 

The Santa Anas which began Wednesday continued without abatement throughout the entire day Thursday.  When TLE and I were outside it was to resecure things so they would not blow down the hill to the Salton Sea, otherwise we were inside trying to ignore the rocking and rolling of the Newell.  Fortunately, we had no rentals Thursday, but we did finally get a visit from our Polaris representative who spent the afternoon with TLE, Hunter and I going over their software programs, and how to use them.  The built in trackers on the individual RZR units are finally working, which was my main concern.  Now, if someone breaks down we can find them.

Fritz (the Polaris guy) arrived at GNHS around 1 pm, and suggested we go to lunch at the Ski Inn while we discussed the Polaris Advantage program.  By that time the winds were abating a tad, and we were able to dine alfresco in their large outdoor dining area.  By the time we returned to GNHS it was after 3 pm, and we then spent the final two hours doing computer/software stuff, and getting a good orientation to how things are supposed to work.  The best thing about meeting with Fritz is knowing that we now have someone to call, and ask dumb

That was the highlight of an otherwise long, windy day.  Thankfully, as I write there is a barely discernable breeze coming in the passenger side salon window.  The absence of ferociously blowing winds is palpable, but it is a good palpable.  We have three all day rentals going out today (Friday) at 9 am, so it is time to get ready for a work day, and begin putting our 'lido deck' back together.

Thanks for stopping by!

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