Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Post wind......

 8:01 am - Wednesday - November 1st - GNHS - 54° F, humidity 24%, wind 4 mph out of the west......partly cloudy skies today with a forecast high of 81° F.  On this date in 2011 TLE and I were dry camping at Rincon Parkway, just north of Ventura, CA......↴

It was Tuesday, October 31st, that we awoke to NO wind for the first time in 3 mornings.  Our 'lido deck' environment was a shambles, and it was time to get busy putting things back together, and time to add a few more finishes previously left undone.  We've been meaning to deploy a couple of our 'sail' shades over the 'lido deck', so while TLE repaired the Ozark Trail canopy (had to reattach some of the Velcro tabs which affix it to the metal frame), I laid the 'sails' out of the ground to figure out how to place them for maximum shade.  Once TLE was finished with the minor wind caused repairs I reinstalled the canopy on the metal frame, then began to install the 'sail' shades.....

.....and redeploy our umbrellas....we think it came out well.  Once that was done I secured all the artificial turf to the ground with the spikes we use just for that purpose so they won't get blown around in the next wend event....

.....I finally took pictures of our new sewer line setup, which I wrote about yesterday....

Along the side of the coach...

....under the front

.....and to the sewer last

.....last year, due to the orientation of the coach and trailer I could only deploy the sewer hose when we were dumping the black tank, which was rather inconvenient, and made it take twice as long to do the deed as it should.  While this run is about as long as the one at LPG&RVR this past summer, I can leave it connected 24/7, and it actually drains a little better.

I also spent time putting the final touches on the trailer interior organization.  Now everything I need to use on a regular basis is easier to access.....

Looking front to back

Looking back to front

....there is a lot of stuff in there.....WAY too much stuff, and we are going to have to do something about that, or we're going to need a bigger!

For the second time since our arrival we saw in the sunset from the 'viewing deck'.....I love how those Chocolate Mountains to the east light up as the sun slides towards the San Jacinto Mountains behind us in the west.....

......this was one of those rare sunsets that lasts 30 minutes, or more, and changes's like getting a month's worth of sunsets in one evening.....

Thanks for stopping by!

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