Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sites unseen.....

For me it is sometimes too easy to feel compelled to go site seeing whenever we find ourselves in a location known for gorgeous scenery.  I find myself checking out all the sites online to see in a given area, such as where we are situated right now.  Then I begin to ask myself, "self, why don't you just enjoy being where you are right now?".  That, of course, is the dichotomy we face on a daily basis when we are in places like this. 

We make a point of finding places that have the "it" factor when we are are 'boondocking'.  The "it" factor being loosely defined as a place with a good view, and interesting surroundings.  It's like pornography....hard to define, but I know it when I see it.  So, if we have succeeded in finding a place with the "it" factor, why spend a lot of time running around site seeing, when there are sites to see right where we are at?

After all, how many free places can you 'boondock' where you get to see hot air balloons passing overhead on almost a daily basis? 

Or have this spectacular view of the Mogollon Rim and the Verde Valley right outside your door?  So, I wrote the preceding to just say this.......we spent the greater part of Wednesday just enjoying the million dollar views where we are living.  No need to drive anywhere for the view we already have right here.

There is something therapeutic about long views combined with letting the warmth of the sun soak deep into your being......or the the amazing quiet in this spot......a quiet so penetrating you find your self whispering.

Of course, then there is great food to accompany the view........around 5 I turned on the Sea-B-Que so I could grill the pollo asado for the amazing chicken enchiladas TLE prepared for our dining pleasure......replete with avocados, and this amazing white sauce.  I cherished every bite, and lucky me......there will be some more tonight!

To cap off the evening we watched the 2 hour series finale of the 'Mentalist' ended just as it should have, and I thank the writers for making it so.

Thanks for stopping by!

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