7:47 am - Monday - December 28th - Seal Rock, OR - 41° F, 66% humidity, wind 15 mph out of the east......clear, cold, blue skies today with a forecast high of 50° F. On this date in 2018 we were southbound on I-75 in bone crushing traffic near Atlanta, GA.....it took us 2 hours to traverse 30 miles, and sometimes the rain was torrential.......↴
For the first time in days we saw the sun dancing on the waves, and lighting up the rocks just off shore. When I have to close the curtains on the driver side of the coach due to the sun you know it is going to be a nice day, and it was. Terry and I spent 90 minutes moving a small kiosk from the office area down to the gate on the northern end of the park which leads to the beach trail......
.....we had to dig a couple of post holes.....nothing new for me.....level the posts.....
....enjoy the view, and then hoist the kiosk and mount it upon the posts......
.....at this point I only had 30 minutes to go in my two hour shift so we moved to another hedge (one of the last) which still needs trimming.....
....this hedge is just across from the hedge Blake and I trimmed last week. Once this one is done I wonder what we will do.....lol.
TLE worked her one hour shift from 3 pm to 4 pm while I relaxed. I'm saving up my energy for the delivery and installation of our new Dometic absorption refrigerator on Monday. Due to the clear skies we had all day we were treated to a nice sunset, which I was able to memorialize.....
....and that was our day. As I write I have received a text from FedEx advising our fridge is on the truck, and out for delivery as of 7:21 am....fingers and toes crossed....knocking on wood.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Who was that masked man? :-)