Sunday, April 28, 2024

Blue everywhere.....

 6:07 am - Sunday - April 28th - LPG&RVR - 32° F, humidity 95%, wind 2 mph out of the southeast......partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 62° F.  On this date in 2016 we took a break at the Crowley Lake Vista Point on our way to Lake Tahoe.....

It didn't get to 40° F until after 10 am Saturday, and even though there was no breeze, or wind it was bitter cold outside.  On a positive note, there was also NO rain forecast for Saturday and there was a pent up demand for golf, which had been mostly rained out the past two days, so we expected a lot of golfers, and that is what we got.  Over the course of the day we rented 10 golf carts in all.  About half of them came back with extremely muddy tires, and under carriages, which was no surprise.  The mud, however, adds to the cleaning difficulty.  I can usually clean, and dry a cart in about 5 minutes, but these were taking upwards of 10 minutes.

Each spring Dennis asks me to treat the two ponds which border the #3 tee boxes on each side with blue dye.  The dye in the water helps to slow down the plant growth in these two relatively shallow ponds.  Each time I perform this task I end up with blue dye on my hands, and clothes, and it takes a week to get it off my hands.  No matter how careful I have been the past two years I still get blue dye everywhere.  This year I decided to get serious.  I have these overalls that I used when I installed the new shocks and air bags on our Newell a few years ago so I put them on, and then wore two pairs of gloves......

.....the overalls did keep the blue dye off my clothes, but my Keen hiking shoes, which already have blue accents, got a little bluer.  My clothes were fine, but I still had traces of blue on my!  The end result is the ponds are once again blue, and the annual task is complete without a lot of damage.

The goose/duck leavings are rapidly increasing to epidemic proportions, and it took me a the better part of 20 minutes to clear the avian effluent from the tee boxes at #3, which I did before I dispersed the blue dye.  The blue dye comes in packets about the size of one's hand, and you throw them into the pond.  They burst immediately upon contact with the water, and within minutes the entire pond is blue.

I could see a dusting of snow on the local peaks (Tule and Likely), and once the clouds began to clear the view to the north (Eagle Peak) was spectacular.... you know when I work Saturdays and Sundays I do mostly marshalling on the golf course, so I made numerous passes throughout the day to find all the golfers spread out, and behaving themselves.  I gave TLE her lunch break around 11:45 am, then went back to work, and cleaned a couple of golf carts.

As the day dried out I was able to finish mowing the employee sites, then rode the mower down to tent sites 1-3 to mow them, and finished by mowing the grass in sites 11 and 12 before heading back to the Clubhouse around 3 pm.  By 3:45 pm (quitting time) I had all but one cart cleaned, and parked in the cart shack. Then it was time for the weekly putting contest.  

I managed to last 4 rounds this time, and saw definite improvements in my putting.  Since there were only 20 putters on this day we had double elimination.  At the end of the first 5 holes in round one I was tied with John, so we had a one hole putt off....closest to the hole after one putt.  It was so close that Mike Bratzler (runs the putting contest each week) had to bring out the tape measure....John beat me by 1/4 inch....doh!  I won my next two rounds pretty easily, but was matched with Kathy Smith (shares TLE's job in the office) who was hot.  She won the first two holes, and I was never able to get back into the match.  At any rate I was much happier with my putting, overall, than the prior week.

The 10th cart returned during the putting contest, so I cleaned it, and put it away while TLE was closing down the office for the night, and we were home by 5:10 pm. It is supposed to get into the 60's Sunday, so I'm hoping it will be warmer, and dryer overall.

Thanks for stopping by!

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