6:07 am - Saturday - April 27th - LPG&RVR - 33° F, humidity 90%, wind 1 mph out of the north by northwest.....continued heavy cloud cover today with a forecast high of 58° F. On this date in 2014 TLE and I were in Sioux Falls, SD installing a new old stock (NOS) rear bumper, and installing the aluminum diamond plate squares over each corner in order to hide the damage to the right rear corner from two years earlier....
.....2 years previously I had pinched the trailer when backing up, and it tore a hole in the aluminum, and made a big dent. I pounded out the dent, covered the tear with aluminum tape, and then installed the aforementioned diamond plate aluminum squares on the right and left corners, even though the damage was to the right rear corner, to give the rear end symmetry....
....a friend of mine (fellow Newell owner at the time) found the NOS bumper on eBay, and went down to Nebraska to pick it up for me. He lives in Sioux Falls, so we made a stop there to pick it up and install it.....
The NOS bumper
The forecast rain fell all night long Thursday night, and was still falling Friday morning. TLE and I reported for work just before 8 am knowing there would probably be no golfers due to the rain, but golfers are a crazy lot, and you just never know....lol. I staged two golf carts, and during a break in the rain drove out to the tee boxes at hole #3 to remove any goose/duck leavings from same. The 'leavings' on this day were not too bad, and I had barely finished clearing them when it began to rain once again. Saw this giant sandhill crane near hole #4....I think he/she was about 4 feet tall....

......with it raining, and nothing with which I could occupy myself outdoors I headed home around 10 am, only to return at 12 pm to give TLE her lunch break, then home again for the next four hours. It rained hard at times, and on occasion, when the clouds would clear briefly, I could see snow way down low on the local mountain slopes. It never snowed at LPG&RVR, but it felt cold enough to do so.
I spent the afternoon napping, and catching up on more YouTube channels I follow, but that was the extent of my activity. Around 4:40 pm I headed back to the Clubhouse to pickup TLE, and found one cart had been rented....lol...however, they only played two holes before the rain convinced them to call it a day. Anyway, I cleaned the cart, put it away, then gave TLE a ride home.
We are in a real cold streak right, and there are no forecast days in the 70's through the 11th of May.....
....in fact, there are way too many days in the 50's for my liking....lol!
Thanks for stopping by!
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