Monday, February 24, 2025

A modest workday.....

 7:37 am - Monday - February 24th - TWW - 40° F, humidity43%, wind 5 mph out of the east by southeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 74° F.  On this date in 2021 I installed my new (current) Speedhut digital tachometer.....

Before being connected to the alternator

After connection....idling at just under 500 RPM's

.....I had to run a cable from the tachometer down into the inverter bay, then back to the engine bay through a PVC conduit provided by Newell for just this purpose.  Once I connected it to our newly installed, rebuilt Leece-Neville shaft driven alternator it came alive.  It took a couple of hours, but in the end it worked!

After 4 hard days of work it was time for an easy one.  Both TLE and I had modest goals for the day.  For TLE it was to do a few loads of wash in the house (we don't need no stinkin' laundromats!) while I began to load, and move the wood TLE and Phyllis had sorted through the other day.  To do this I installed the pallet forks on the bucket of the Ford 420 loader, and then stacked the 16' wood planks (siding) on them.  It took about an hour, but soon the area on the east side of the garage was no longer a 'dump site'.....

The east side of the garage after I removed a few inches of the topsoil which was covered in rat turds.....much better now....the wood you see stacked to the right is worthless, so will cut it up and move it to our next burn pile took me three trips with the loader to move everything to the east side of the barn, but we got it there.  We'll move everything into the barn Monday, or Tuesday where it can remain out of the weather until we repurpose it.....

The interior of the barn looking in the east doors

.....the Ford Expedition got covered in red mud when we drove over to Matt and Dawn's home to pick up the two dozen eggs last Sunday, and I knew it was going to require the use of the pressure washer to remove the concrete like mud, and I was right.  Using said pressure washer worked very well, and in about 40 minutes I had the red mud removed..... she's all pretty again!  I also took time to wash the Yamaha Rhino and the Cushman while I had the pressure washer deployed.

It was such a lovely day that we decided to have our first sunset fire in quite some time....there was no wind, and very clear, blue skies....

The sun is getting low in the western sky and the Eco-Flow Dual Axis solar tracker is about to return to its 'neutral' position (parallel to the ground)

Another of those ubiquitous contrails heading towards the setting sun

.....our solar system is working so well right now that we hardly even think about it anymore.  It is almost as if we were plugged into an electrical pedestal.  All the batteries get back to full charge 98% of the time, enabling us to live about as normal a life as is possible off is very good!.  And with that I will bid you adieu for another day.

Thanks for stopping by!

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