Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Only three left.....

 7:11 am - Tuesday - February 4th - TWW - 47° F (the highest overnight low in 2 months), humidity 52%, wind 11 mph out of the south by southeast, and will get into the 20's this afternoon....partly cloudy skies today with a forecast high of 67° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE were visiting the 'Desert Bar' near Parker, AZ with Steve and Candy Landry....

....what a cool day that was!

As I wrote yesterday, the dominoes are dropping rapidly here at TWW.  Monday saw several more dominoes fall in advance of our move to our permanent site.  Before we could do anything we needed to dump our black tank, and then fill up our fresh water tank with whatever water remained in the IBC water tote, in order to reduce its weight as we would be moving the tote to a new location closer to the permanent site. Once that was done it was time to move the tote....

.....with TLE's expert hand signals, and help I was able to pick up the tote and move it....

.....once that was done we began the process of building a new, level pad for the cedar shed.

Using the new pallet forks Charles bought we raised up the shed off the concrete blocks upon which it was setting, and pulled out the blocks so we could move them to the new pad we were building.  We were able to lift it without any issues, so we're confident we'll be able to successfully move it to the new location on Tuesday.  Of course, we'll remove all of the weight from the shed to make the move more easily.  I used the Ford 420 loader to scrape the new cedar shed site, then we put down underlayment, and then a layer of quarter minus gravel, then another layer of the larger grave (whatever that is called)....

....now we are ready to move the shed, coach and generator to their new locations!

TLE and I worked pretty much non-stop all day long, and by 2 pm we were both out of gas, and ready to call it quits until the big move Tuesday.  As I write, Ken, from Yavapai Bottle Gas has arrived, and has moved our 120 gallon tank to its new location, so there are only three more dominos to fall.  Stay tuned for Tuesday's exciting move!

Thanks for stopping by!

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