Sunday, February 16, 2025


 8:23 am - Sunday - February 16th - TWW - 37° F, humidity 53%, wind 4 mph out of the east by southeast....partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 62° F.  On this date in 2019 TLE and I had dinner in Surprise, AZ with two good friends we met while working at the Grand Canyon as cashiers in the General Store during the winter of 2017-18......

.....Sherry Hill-Trailer and Kathy Rogge McCarley....we are still in contact with them all these years later.  I have oft said that our nomadic journey has been more about the people we meet along the way than the places we have visited.

At last! A day with sunshine!  We had big plans for Saturday, and by the end of the day we had successfully executed those plans, but I get ahead of myself.  A week before when we were filling our IBC water totes at the water station we met a couple of guys, and one of them was a guy named Matt.  He and his wife, Dawn, moved out here about 4 years ago after buying a piece of bare, undeveloped land.  They have slowly created a lot of infrastructure, and run chickens and other animals on their property.  I mention the chickens specifically, because their hens produce more eggs than they can consume each week.  He said if were were interested we could buy their extra eggs.  Well, we love cage free eggs, so I contacted his wife, Dawn, on Friday to do just that.  Due to the many predators in the area, which include coyotes, they cannot let their chickens roam free (pasture raised), or they would be decimated by the local coyote population.

Matt and Dawn live about 2 miles from us, as the crow flies, so we made arrangements to drive over to their place Saturday morning to buy a couple dozen, unwashed eggs..... may recall that back in the early stages of the Wuhan Flu back in early 2020 we were in Wittmann, AZ when there was a similar egg shortage and found a local guy selling pasture raised, unwashed chicken eggs.  Dawn's price for a dozen eggs is $3.50 if you bring your own egg cartons....$4 if you don't....much better than the $10+ we pay in town for eggs right now....if they are in stock!

We were back sometime after 10 am, and getting ready to tackle the big project of the day....burn pile!  We've trimmed a of trees since we arrived back in October, and have tried to burn a lot of what we don't use for firewood, but we still had a 4 large piles north of our Eco-Worthy Dual Axis solar tracker.  We knew we couldn't get it all burned in one day, but we came pretty close.  We worked steadily from around 11 am to near 3 pm before we called it a day, and got a lot done....

We have several stacks of very dry wood we will cut up for the wood burning stove in the house, as well as our 'sunset fire deck'

TLE hauling branches to the burn pile

Letting it burn down

When we started this space (between the red arrows) was completely filled with branches.....

....and this is all that was left at the end of the day.

....working outdoors with TLE, who is a very hard worker,  here at TWW is one of the joys of living here!  We will finish burning the last pile of branches on Sunday, then begin to cut into those three large piles of very dry wood.

I forgot to mention that while I was getting my haircut Wednesday TLE walked over to Home Depot (same parking lot) and bought another piece of artificial turf (5' x 7'), which I finally unrolled Saturday...'s the piece in the center of the above picture.  And that was our Saturday.  A lot accomplished, and a connection made for farm fresh eggs!  

Thanks for stopping by!

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