Sunday, February 2, 2025

Head over heals.....

 7:33 am - Sunday - February 2nd - TWW - 40° F, humidity 66%, wind 8 mph out of the southeast......clear, blue skies today with a forecast high of 67° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were witnessing one of the most amazing sunsets ever at Cedar Key, FL.....the water looked like the sky..... was difficult to determine what was up, and what was down.

Saturday began the countdown to moving our Newell to its permanent site here at TWW.  We needed to move one more bucket of gravel to finish leveling the site, and move the two 325 watt solar panels which power the trailer Bluetti AC200P solar charger so the cables which connect the panels to the Bluetti would not be in the drive path when we back up Phyllis' sister Newell to move it to its temporary parking spot.  On Sunday we'll move Phyllis' Newell to enable us to back up our Newell in preparation for moving into the permanent site.....

That 2" x 4" x 8' board is the width of our coach, and where the front wheels of the coach will rest when it is moved into the site on Tuesday.  That pad  where the 2 x 4 rests has been raised about 4" to help level the Newell front to back

Perfectly level from side to side now

.....Charles and Phyllis arrived for their weekly visit around 10:20 am, just as we were getting ready to move the gravel.  With them they brought a new seat cover for our 1969 Chevrolet C50 flatbed/dump truck.  Once TLE and I were satisfied with our work on the new gravel pad we headed over to the flatbed truck to remove the old, ratty, disintegrating seat cover, and install the new gray, corduroy one I ordered from Amazon.  It was a perfect fit, and within an hour we had the new one installed.....

....considering how old this truck is the cab is in pretty good broken windows, both seat belts are functional, the original floormat is intact, no rust, and no holes in the floorboard.  I need to connect the temperature gauge to the sending unit, check all the turn/brake light bulbs, and reconnect the tachometer.

TLE and I scraped most of the snow off the concrete apron in front of the garage so what remains will melt more quickly, and compacted more snow on the circular driveway in front of the house to accomplish the same end....

Concrete driveway is almost clear of snow now

More dirt than snow now on the circular driveway

....I spent the rest of the day making sure all the batteries on Phyllis' Newell are fully charged in advance of the move on Sunday, putting away tools from the new permanent site construction, adjusting the positions of the two 325 watt solar panels we moved to be sure they get the sun as early as possible each day from their new location, plus cutting a few more branches off the tree opposite where the two panels are sitting to make sure no shade is cast on those panels late in the day.

We had dinner in the house around 4 pm.....Buffalo wings, and cauliflower rice with corn, peas and carrots....yummm!  We spent the evening watching another episode of 'Silent Witness' with them in the living room, bidding them adieu for the night around 7:30 pm.  And thus ended another day at TWW.  We have now been here around 3.5 months with about 2.5 months to go.  A lot has been accomplished, but so much has yet to be done.  That it has been 3.5 months since we arrived does not compute.  It feels more like a month.  We're loving our time here, and have fallen head over heals in love with Northern Arizona!

Thanks for stopping by!

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