Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The final dominos.....

7:55 am - Wednesday - February 5th - TWW - 44° F, humidity 53%, wind 11 mph out of the south by southeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 64° F.  The view this morning.....

....looking northeast from our new, permanent site.

The first domino to fall Wednesday was the repositioning of our 120 gallon propane tank to our new, permanent site.  No other dominos could be toppled until that first one fell, but once it did fall, every other domino fell quickly.  Ken from Yavapai Bottle Gas arrived around 7:30 am, which we expected.  The two other times Ken has been here he had arrived before 7:30 am.  His early arrival was crucial in toppling the remaining dominos, and getting moved to our new, permanent site before the sun left the sky.....

....within 30 minutes the bottle had been moved, and it was time to fire up the Newell, and move it to our new site....

.....while Ken was moving the propane tank I switched the Predator 5000 dual fuel generator to gasoline, and plugged in the block heater to begin warming the big Detroit Diesel 6v92 engine block, and by 8 am she was running, and airing up the coach for its first move since October 20, 2024.  It took us about 30 minutes to maneuver around the circular driveway, and into our new site.  Next up was to move the cedar shed using the Ford 420 loader with the pallet forks installed to do so.  With TLE's expert hand signals, and instructions we successfully moved the cedar shed to its new, permanent location between the trailer and the Newell....

Getting ready to reorient the roof top solar panels to face south
Where we are now, facing due east.....

....where we were the time the dust had literally settled, and we were done reconnecting to our Starlink dish, and the Bluetti AC200MAX battery bank it was only 11 am, and we still had the rest of the day to putter around putting some finishing touches on our new 'courtyard'.  By the bye.....the Newell is perfectly level in our new site, and so it the cedar shed!  

We took a 30 minute break, then it was time for me to reorient our 4 roof top solar panels to face toward the passenger side of the coach.  This is the first time we've tilted them toward the passenger side since they were installed as we have always pointed the coach west when dry camping/boondocking, so they were always tilted toward the driver side.  Now that we are out from behind the juniper trees in the middle of the circular driveway, they will begin getting sun between 8 and 9 am, instead of between 10, and 11 am.....

It's 8:10 am Wednesday, and the roof top 
solar panels are already getting sun! 2 pm we had done as much as we wanted to do Tuesday, so it was time to change out of our work clothes and into t-shirts and short pants for a change.  With the warmer weather this week we've enjoyed being able to walk around the property in flip flops, t-shirts and watch caps, quilted jackets, gloves, or long is really wonderful!  And, for the first time since our arrival, and the arrival of the sister Newell the area in front of the house is wide open again.... is really coming into focus, but there remains a lot of work to be done over the final 2.5 months of our sojourn, and we are very excited to get on with it!

Thanks for stopping by!

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