Tuesday, February 18, 2025

It's a dog's life......

 7:44 am - Tuesday - February 18th - TWW - 36° F, humidity 60%, wind 5 mph out of the east by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 58° F.  On this date in 2018 I posted a screenshot of the weather forecast for the Grand Canyon, where we were working that winter....

....notice the daily forecast at the bottom, and specifically the low temps for the day each day.....7°, 0°, 7°, 15°, 6°, 10° F.....I had forgotten how cold it was that winter.  Time is the great erasure....lol.

TLE and I always have a number of projects in the back of our minds, and one of them has been there for a long time.....clean up the dog kennel/run.  It is really a nice kennel, but it has become the home to mice, and rats over the years.  Well, its day finally came Monday, but I get ahead of myself.

I try to spend time sharpening the chains on our two Stihl chainsaws every few days, and Monday it was time to do it again after all the cutting we did Sunday on the final stages of the burn pile.  I'm getting more adept with the chain files, and within an hour had them both in pretty good cutting shape again.

By the time I finished TLE was already 'knee deep' in clearing the weeds, and rocks from the dog run part of the kennel, so I joined her.  It's really amazing how much faster these tasks go when we are both focused on them at the same time.  Within an hour the dog run was looking pretty good....

.....next I turned my attention to vacuuming out the kennel, which was full of mice, and rat turds.....it was so bad I think I threw up in my mouth.....

.....these pictures really don't due justice to how bad it was, but you get the idea.  I utilized the very large ShopVac Charles and Phyllis brought up to TWW.....

.....it took me about 45 minutes to completely eradicate the mouse/rat droppings....of course, I utilized a face mask.

With TLE's help I hauled a couple of buckets of gravel to spread out in front of the concrete slab in front of the garage....there was a drop off from the concrete to the dirt of a few inches, and we wanted to smooth it out....

.....by the time we finished it was close to 2 pm, and we were done for the day.

Yesterday I wrote about us becoming grand parents for the 10th time.  My son-in-law, Rod, took a video of he and Sharon breaking the news to their son, Brayden James.  His reaction is so precious I just had to share it with you....

.....I've watched it a dozen times, or so, and I still am blown away by his reaction....enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!

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