Sunday, March 2, 2025

Scraping by.....

 7:29 am - Sunday - March 2nd - TWW - 39° F, humidity 33%, wind 13 mph out of the south by southeast.....clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 60° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I had just arrived at the Quechan Casino in Winterhaven, CA....right across the border from Los Algodones, Mexico, and my dental appointment the next day.....just after parking this storm arrived..... rained torrentially for about 2 hours, then the skies cleared just before sunset, and this was the aftermath.

As you will recall TLE and I began to work on preparing the green house wood frame for painting, but were interrupted by two days of  While we were gone Friday Charles and Phyllis continued the work, so Saturday was our first day working together on the green house rehabilitation project.  We basically gang tackled the final scraping and nail removal, and by the end of the day she was 99% ready for paint..... all we worked from around 9 am to 2:30 pm getting a lot done.  Pretty much all that remains is to blow dust and paint scrapings off the wood, and then commence painting.  Charles and Phyllis brought the 20 new polycarbonate clear corrugated panels with them on Thursday, so once the wood is painted, we can begin to install the new roof.

TLE got out two top sirloin steaks for me to grill around 3:30 pm.  It was a little breezy, but the wind was out of the southeast, so the trailer pretty much blocked the wind in the Sea-B-Que area.  We all like our steaks medium rare so it was pretty easy.  We had a long, leisurely dinner filled with good food, wine and conversation.....

....we were all tired after a long day of scraping paint, but after dinner we decided to watch a movie called "In the land of Saints and Sinners" (2023, 4.5 stars in IMDB) with Liam turned out to be a very well done, interesting movie!  By the time we finished the movie it was going on 7 pm, so we bid our adieus and headed home where TLE and I watched the first three episodes of season 3 of Reacher (Prime Video).  Just as with the first two seasons you are immediately drawn into the plot, and captivated.

And thus comes to the end of another The Wilson Wilderness day....thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Driving Miss Elaine......

 6:57 am - Saturday - March 1st - TWW - 43° F, humidity 29%, wind 9 mph out of the east by southeast.....mostly clear skies this morning with clouds moving in this afternoon, and a forecast high of 68° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were in St. Augustine, FL having lunch at A1A Ale Works.....

.....regrettably, they closed in May of 2024....a really nice restaurant!  They had a soup called 'Ale and Cheese Soup' which was that for which one might die, so to speak.

For the second day in succession we left TWW for another long drive, and by the time we finished we would have covered over 500 miles of driving the last two days.  It's been a year since I was seen by a dermatologist, and the one I've been going to (Dr. Jou) since 2019 is way down in Poway, CA (San Diego....417 miles away now....that's 13 hours of driving round trip), so it was time to get one closer to home.  Since we'll be returning to TWW each winter for the foreseeable future, I found a new one in Flagstaff, which is only 90 minutes from TWW.  My appointment was for 2:15 pm, but we also needed to pickup my freshly sharpened Stihl chainsaw chains in Prescott, we left TWW around 9:45 am to make the slightly less than 2 hour drive to Abe's Saw, arriving there without incident around 11:45 am.  

The drive from Prescott to Flagstaff takes around one hour 45 minutes, and once again we arrived there around 1:30 pm......45 minutes before my appointment.  We made a quick stop at Home Depot to buy a few items for our 'hardline' sewer project, and still made it to Northern Arizona Dermatology by 2 far the day is going just like we planned it!

Of course, you know, when you have an afternoon appointment at any doctor's office the one the thing you most assuredly know is that you will not be called into the small room on time, and this time was no different.  I think my name was finally called around 2:35 pm.  Ryan, a PA (physicians assistant), performed the full body examination, and true to form there were a couple of areas of on my back, and one under my left armpit.  Biopsies were taken, and I was dressed, and out the door tad after 3 pm, which is kind of what we had thought would be our exit time when planning our day. After a quick stop at the local Fry's Supermarket to get Frappuccinos (there is a Starbucks inside), and fill the gas tank of the Expedition, we were on our way back to Home Depot, and then on our way home shortly thereafter.

Naturally, any home project requires at least two trips to Home Depot, and this current project is no different.  I forgot a couple of things in my haste to get in and out of Home Depot quickly, and had to return there before heading home.  Thankfully, the Home Depot is on the way out of town to I-40, so there was no back tracking.  I got what I needed, and we were on the Interstate by 3:50 pm, arriving back at TWW at exactly 5:20 pm.....90 minutes exactly!

Phyllis and Charles had held dinner until we got home, so we quickly unloaded the car, and headed indoors for Creamed Eggs and toast.  I haven't had creamed eggs for years, and they were as good as I remembered!  

While we were gone Charles and Phyllis kept up the work on the greenhouse getting the wood framing ready for painting.  There are a lot of nails to remove, and old paint to scrape, but we're getting close to painting time now.  We already have the new polycarbonate roofing (twenty 26" x 8' pieces), so once it is painted we can install the new roof, then the water catchment system.  Things are moving fast.

As you know, we live about 6-7 miles off US-66 (Route 66....America's Mother Road), and back in its heyday Burma Shave had signs posted along the route which kept weary travelers entertained.  In the section of Route 66 between Seligman and where we live they have recreated these signs, so I had TLE take a video of one section of the signs a few days ago, then then slowed it down to 1/4 speed so you can read them.....

....there are probably 8 sets of these signs with interesting, and often humorous sayings....enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!