Thursday, March 6, 2025

A short work day......

 7:41 am - Thursday - March 6th - TWW - 38° F, humidity 85%, wind 20 mph out of the southwest......heavy cloud cover with snow and rain this morning, and a forecast high of 43° F. The view this morning.....

.....this snow was not expected.  Rain was!

We knew a storm was rolling in Thursday so we got to work early.  I finished drilling three more holes in which to drive rebar in the newest railroad tie planter we put together the other day, and then the ladies spent the early afternoon filling each of them with top soil in preparation for planting in the very near future, but before we do that we need to install the new 6 foot tall fencing around the greenhouse and planters to keep out the unwanted animals which may want to harvest our crops before we are able to do so.....

You may notice that the second Ferrell Gas propane tank has
 been picked up, finally, by Ferrell Gas

....we headed to the water station late morning to refill the six IBC water totes on our water trailer....the top tank, which feeds the house directly was nearly empty, and were back at TWW by 12:15 pm.  The bottom tank which TLE and I use still has 1,900 gallons of water in it, so we're good for the near future.

I closed up the 'carport' ends I opened the other day, started and ran the Jeep for a while, then the 1969 Chevrolet C50 dump bed truck.  Both started easily....nothing like OLD technology!  Our work day was over by 2 pm as the winds were rising, and the temperature was dropping quickly.  By 4 pm we were sitting down to dinner in the house, and the end of another TWW day came to an end.

As I write, the snowfall (Thursday morning) has intensified.....

Thanks for stopping by!

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