Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 7:27 am - Tuesday - March 18th  - TWW - 34° F, humidity 60%, wind 17 mph out of the west....partly cloudy this morning with a forecast high of 52° F.  On this date in 2015 TLE and I were boondocking on the shores of Lake Powell off Lone Rock Road......

Monday was kind of a lost day in the sense that I had a 2 pm appointment for an MRI in Flagstaff, which meant we really couldn't begin anything around TWW we couldn't finish before we left at 10 am.  We left early, because I wanted to get my ears lowered at the Sport Clips in Flagstaff prior to my appointment at Northern Arizona Radiology.  We did, however, stow our patio awning as winds over 20 mph out of the southwest were forecast for later in the day, and that is not a good angle for the awning.

We, as planned, were in the Expedition by 10 am, and on our way to Flagstaff.  The drive was beautiful, and as we neared Flagstaff city limits we could see the snow clad San Francisco Peaks in the distance....

......we arrived at the Sport Clips location around 11:30 am, but there was quite a wait (almost an hour) so we browsed around the local REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) for about 40 minutes before heading back to await my turn.  I was seated around 12:30 pm, and by 1 pm the deed was done.  We then headed directly for Northern Arizona Radiology only to find they were running 30 minutes behind, so I had at least 50 minutes before I would be seen.  We decided to head down the hill to Fry's Supermarket to buy a few things we needed, and to refuel the Expedition for the drive home.  All of that took about 30 minutes.  I was finally called into the back around 2:20 pm, and by 2:30 pm I was on my back, and being slid into the giant, noisy MRI machine.

The operator asked me if I wanted music, to which I replied in the affirmative.  They use Pandora for their music, so I requested the Etta James Channel.  I remember when I had my first MRI back in 2017 after my minor stroke that the sound was overwhelming.  I had music then, too, but the volume wasn't high enough to sufficiently block the otherworldly sounds of the MRI, so this time I had them turn the volume way up.  My first MRI took almost an hour, but this one for my left should took around 25 minutes......thank you Jesus!  Even with the music it is still very disorienting to be inside that machine, to which many of my readers can attest, so it took me a few minutes to gather myself before returning to TLE in the waiting room.  Next step is to hear from PA Brown about the results, and then meet with him later this week to discuss the prognosis.

Within minutes we were on our way back to I-40, and the road home, and after a quick stop at the local Starbucks to get a Venti Mocha Frappuccino, we were on the Interstate by 3:30 pm, arriving back at TWW at 5 pm on the dot. Sundown is at 6:49 pm now, so we were home well in advance of dusk.  In fact, we have now reached the point where the daylight portion of each day is over 12 hours in length.  On Tuesday morning (this morning) we'll jump in the VW this time, to head down to Yuma where we'll spend the night before heading to our 9 am appointment on Wednesday at the offices of Dr. Eva Urena, our dentist, in Los Algodones.  It's a good 5 hour drive each way, and with a couple of stops thrown in ends up being closer to 5.5, or 6 hours each way....UGH!

Thanks for stopping by!

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