Thursday, March 13, 2025

And the prognosis is.....

 7:47 am - Thursday - March 13th - TWW - 43° F, humidity 80%, wind 23 mph out of the south.....heavy cloud cover with rain, then snow later, and a forecast high of 46° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE had just arrived on Galveston Island, TX....

....and snagged the last RV spot at Sand Piper RV Park....had to drop the trailer....

.....the view this morning.....

Rain and snow on the way

Alas, another driving day was had on Monday.  This time to Flagstaff and Flagstaff Bone and Joint (orthopedists) for an 11 am appointment to be seen, and referred for an MRI.  We left TWW around 8:45 am to make the 90 minute drive to Flagstaff.  This drive, even though it is 20 minutes longer than the one to Kingman, seems easier.  I guess it's because you're driving 80 mph for much of the distance on I-40.

The weather, as you know, has been dicey the past week, so we passed through several storm cells on the drive to Flagstaff, and it was threatening rain when we arrived around 10:20 am, without incident, at Flagstaff Bone and Joint...about 2 blocks north of US-66.  I checked in with the reception, and within a few minutes we were called into the small room.  I was seen by David Brown, PA (Physicians Assistant).  He asked a lot of good questions about how the injury happened, and moved my left arm, and shoulder in many different directions.  The pain seems to be localized at the front of the shoulder joint, and the prognosis is that I may have a tear in my rotator cuff.  Best case scenario is that it is only a strain, or maybe a small tear NOT requiring surgery.  I was referred to Northern Arizona Radiology for an MRI and got an appointment for this coming Monday at 2 pm, so things are moving forward.  After the MRI is completed I will return to consult with David Brown as to the best course of action based on what the MRI reveals. On a positive note the pain continues to recede, and my range of motion continues to increase dramatically from day to day.  I'm hoping it is just a bad strain.  If I need surgery, then that will affect when we leave TWW to return to LPG&RVR.  We were actually were back in the Expedition by 11 am, the actual scheduled time of my appointment....that's amazing, right?  Sometimes it pays to arrive early!

After the appointment we stopped off at Savers Thrift Store to do a little 'junking' has been too long since our last 'junking' foray.  I do not think we have ever gone there that we did not find something without which we could not live, and on this date I scored big time.....4 Under Armor long sleeve shirts for $2 each....marked down from $19 each!  Just as we got back in the Expedition for the drive home, it began to rain again.

Before beginning the 90 minute drive home we stopped at the local Starbucks where I got a Venti Mocha Frappuccino, and TLE a Tall coffee.  Speaking of coffee, Brian, who welded the receiver hitch, and mufflers on the 1969 Chevrolet C-50, and his girl friend opened a coffee house/bakery in Seligman last weekend, so even though we had stopped at Starbucks in Flagstaff, we stopped Cottage Bakery to sample their coffee on the way home.....

.....they're located right next store to the Seligman Market just behind the World Famous Black Cat Bar.  In short, the coffee is amazing.  They buy, and roast their own coffee beans.  The interior is very warm, and inviting, and we will definitely return!

We arrived home around 2 pm after another whirlwind day of driving.  Around 3:30 pm we convened in the house for another communal dinner, which was a real winner....

Baked eggs, boiled spinach and carrot cake muffins....WOW!

.....while we were gone to Flagstaff, Charles and Phyllis headed over to the water station to get another load of water.  Charles was just finishing unloading the final bit of water into our half empty IBC water tote when we arrived home.  Now every single storage tank on the property is completely full again, and we should be good to go for a few weeks.

Thanks for stopping by!

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