Sunday, March 16, 2025

The aftermath......

 7:36 am - Sunday - March 16th - TWW - 34° F, humidity 66%, wind 6 mph out of the southeast.....mostly sunny today with a forecast high of 60° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were in Las Vegas at a college reunion being held at Orleans, and visiting with my long time friend, Tom Carrozzo....

.....met Tom in 7th grade back in 1963.  Spent a few days last winter with he and his wife at Glamis North Hot Springs while we were working there.  The view this morning.....

.....all of the snow is gone, just like that, in a matter of hours.

Thankfully, the overnight snow we got was less than an inch, but we still had to go outside to clear the snow off the ground based solar panels, as well as the panels on the roof of the Newell.  While we were at it we dumped our black tank, and refilled our IBC water tote while we were at it.  We spent about an hour after that clearing snow from our artificial turf, the carport, the roof of our shed, and the wood deck at the big house.

On the solar front our Eco-Worthy Dual Axis solar tracker is tilting closer to 7:30 am in the morning now, and is working wonderfully at keeping our Bluetti AC200MAX batter bank fully charged.  That battery bank handles all of our electrical needs, including our electric blankets at night, as well as the ceramic heating elements in the water bay that keep things from freezing, and is still no lower than 55% each morning.

We're learning that living off grid in the middle of no where at 5,500' during the winter has its challenges, like having to go outside first thing in the morning after an all day snow storm to clear snow off solar panels.  Frankly, when there is no weather, and all we have are clear blue skies the living is pretty easy here at TWW.  We've adapted to having to draw our fresh water from the IBC water tote, and refill that from the water tower, but, again, that's not really hard stuff, just time consuming.

Now that the current set of winter storms have passed, we can get back to work on the greenhouse.  The current weather forecast shows good weather with temps in the 60' and 70's through the end of March.  We need to get the roof structure painted, so we can install the new polycarbonate corrugated roof panels, then wrap the greenhouse in Visqueen, then install the water catchment system.  Things will go fast once we get the roof installed.  

My left shoulder has improved dramatically since last Wednesday, but we still have the MRI on Monday afternoon which will tell the whole story.  Will I need surgery?  I hope not.  Based on the way it feels today (Sunday) I'm optimistic that I won't, but who knows for sure, right?  I've stopped taking the pain killer to see how much discomfort it was masking.  I'll have a better idea by this evening.  Right now I have no pain, and can raise my hand above my shoulder, which I could not do even a few days ago.

Thanks for stopping by!

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