9:24 am - Friday - March 14th - TWW - 32° F, humidity 72%, wind 10 mph out of the south by southwest......partly cloudy this morning morphing into snow this afternoon and a forecast high of 39° F. Six inches of snow on the ground. The view this morning.....
......on this date in 2023 TLE and I visited Salvation Mountain near Niland, CA......
You know how you read the weather forecast for the next few days and think "Oh, I hope that's not right", well that is what I thought Thursday evening as I read the forecast showing rain early Friday, then snow all afternoon and into the evening. Unfortunately, it was worse than that. The rain did come as forecast, and it rained quite hard for a couple of hours, but then the snow began about 2 hours earlier than expected dumping close to 6" before it stopped at 7 pm. Ironically, we've gotten more snowfall this winter at 5,500' elevation than we did at over 7,000' elevation at the Grand Canyon back in the Winter of 2017-18 by a factor of 3.
We were, essentially, 'housebound' all day long, so a lot of PGA golf was watched (Tournament Players Championship). Thankfully, we had sun for a few hours early Friday that put a few electrons into our battery banks, but we had to run the Predator 5000 all day long to charge the Newell house battery bank (charged by the rooftop panels), and then to hold the charge as the sun set in the west. The skies did begin to clear around 7 pm, but too late for our house batteries. The big house battery bank managed to get back to 68%, even with snow and rain for most of the day.
We had a propane delivery scheduled originally for Wednesday, but it got pushed off to Thursday, and by 2 pm the truck had still not arrived, and there was at least 3" of snow on the ground. He did finally arrive just before 3 pm when we thought all hope was lost....lol. We were down to 15%, and we were pretty sure the generator would be running for many hours again on Saturday, so we were thinking we might run out of propane (I know, drama queens), and have no way to heat the Newell.
Before the rain began
Rain begins
Snow begins
Winter wonderland
Clouds begin to clear around 7 pm
.....it was quite a weather day for us, and now, as I write, the sun is out, but clouds are moving in quickly. We're supposed to have snow again by 2 pm.
Thanks for stopping by!
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