7:29 am - Sunday - March 2nd - TWW - 39° F, humidity 33%, wind 13 mph out of the south by southeast.....clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 60° F. On this date in 2020 TLE and I had just arrived at the Quechan Casino in Winterhaven, CA....right across the border from Los Algodones, Mexico, and my dental appointment the next day.....just after parking this storm arrived.....
.....it rained torrentially for about 2 hours, then the skies cleared just before sunset, and this was the aftermath.
As you will recall TLE and I began to work on preparing the green house wood frame for painting, but were interrupted by two days of driving....lol. While we were gone Friday Charles and Phyllis continued the work, so Saturday was our first day working together on the green house rehabilitation project. We basically gang tackled the final scraping and nail removal, and by the end of the day she was 99% ready for paint.....
....in all we worked from around 9 am to 2:30 pm getting a lot done. Pretty much all that remains is to blow dust and paint scrapings off the wood, and then commence painting. Charles and Phyllis brought the 20 new polycarbonate clear corrugated panels with them on Thursday, so once the wood is painted, we can begin to install the new roof.
TLE got out two top sirloin steaks for me to grill around 3:30 pm. It was a little breezy, but the wind was out of the southeast, so the trailer pretty much blocked the wind in the Sea-B-Que area. We all like our steaks medium rare so it was pretty easy. We had a long, leisurely dinner filled with good food, wine and conversation.....
....we were all tired after a long day of scraping paint, but after dinner we decided to watch a movie called "In the land of Saints and Sinners" (2023, 4.5 stars in IMDB) with Liam Neeson.....it turned out to be a very well done, interesting movie! By the time we finished the movie it was going on 7 pm, so we bid our adieus and headed home where TLE and I watched the first three episodes of season 3 of Reacher (Prime Video). Just as with the first two seasons you are immediately drawn into the plot, and captivated.
And thus comes to the end of another The Wilson Wilderness day....thanks for stopping by!
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