Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Is it WORK, or is it FUN?

You may think that every day is a vacation when you fulltime, and you are probably right....even a work day like today is so much fun it must be!  Today Elaine went into Portland with her friend, whom we are visiting, and left me to my own devices.  I've been wanting to add a second row of LED strip lights to each side of our cove lighting in the bedroom to throw a little more light into the room.  I still had about 15 feet of the "warm" colored lighting, which is what I used in the bedroom, and I used about 6.5 feet on each side when I put the original single rows in back in February.  I got out my soldering gun,  my wire, etc. and soldered leads on each 6.5' strip, then installed them.  Wow.....the light is quite a bit better.

The cove lighting on the passenger side with second strip.

In addition I took one of the square light fixtures I had removed from the engine compartment way back in February and converted it to LED and installed that one under the microwave, just above the stove.  That light is used a lot, so getting rid of that automotive bulb will save a lot of juice while dry camping, and allow us to use that light more than we would under the old configuration.

The square fixture under the microwave and above the stove

Finally, I ran power over to the trailer, and got the two road bikes set up for some local rides.  Tomorrow I'll get the tandem set up, and my mountain bike.

That was my work was really too fun to be called work, so I'll just call it living the life!

Thanks for stoppoing by!

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