The temperature got down to around 39 last, is Fall far behind? I got up and immediately turned on all three gas heaters to take the chill off the coach. The next thing I started to do was to turn on the hot water and fill our coffee cups like I do every day to preheat them so the coffee will stay hotter longer, BUT there was no hot water. It was windy yesterday afternoon, and it must have blown out the pilot light on the water heater.....darn, I hate it when that happens!
Next, since we were going to leave in about 90 minutes I turned on the generator so I could turn on the block heater. Next I put the percolator on the burner and got the coffee takes about 15 minutes start to finish to perk the coffee, and like always, it came out great.
Our destination for the day was Rawlins, WY, about 111 miles to the east on I-80. We are going to spend a couple of days with dear friends from our college days whom we haven't seen in 30 years. Elaine and I had been friends for over 3 years when we bumped into each other at a party that included Ben and Mary-Pat. That was the night the romantic flame was lit, and they were witnesses of the beginning of our romance which is still going strong 41 years later. Ben and Mary-Pat moved from to Rawlins, WY after college, and became State Farm Agents, and have been at it ever since for over 35 years now. It has been a wonderful day of reconnecting, and endless conversation.
We got into town around 11:30am and pulled in at the local Sinclair gas station to unload the T-Bird and drive over to our friend's home to scope out the layout and be sure we would fit. They live on a very wide street and the neighborhood is very RV friendly, so we headed back to the Sinclair station to get the coach, and then called Ben. Ben met us minutes later and showed us where to plug in. He said he would return at 1pm to pick us up for lunch. While he was gone I ran the electric cord up his driveway and we had power! Then I opened up the trailer and got it ready to use, dialed in the satellite dish, and before you know it Ben and Mary-Pat were pulling in the driveway to pick us up. We went to a local restaurant run by a neighbor called Coco's, and the food was great! I had a Roast Beef Pannini......mmmmmm good!
Later on we tagged along with them to a retirement party being held for a long time friend of theirs held at the restored Rawlins Train Station......I didn't get a picture, but I will tomorrow. The town did a great job of restoration. We returned home and sat in their living room for a few hours talking as if 30 years had not passed. And why not? That is what this 7 month journey has been about, and in every single case it has gone the same. In the next 3 weeks we will be reconnecting with 4 more college friends, and we are excited to see them again after so many years.
The temperature will get down to 35 tonight......brrrr!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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