Friday, November 21, 2014

RNO1 - Day 11 - Utah and Ground Hog Day

It seems to me that in travels over the past almost 3 years that we have spent a lot of time in the great state of Utah, and barely scratched the surface......the same cannot be said for the 'Pick Mod' called Utah here at Fernley Amazon.  Out of the 11 nights/mornings I have spent stowing I believe I have spent 5, or 6 on either the first, or second floor stowing my brains out......stowing until last night it feels like I am using 'smoke and mirrors' to empty each cart.  There really is very little room left to put stuff, and yet I, and those other unfortunate souls who call themselves stowers find ourselves in this perpetual 'Ground Hog Day' scenario where we wake up every evening living the same day over and over again in the Utah 'Pick Mod' trying to find space to stow things where it appears there is none.  While I am looking forward with great anticipation to returning to the Canyonlands in Utah this Spring, I am not looking forward to spending one more day stowing in the Utah 'Pick Mod'......I say that knowing full well that I will be back there again and again over the next 4 weeks.  One would think there would, indeed, be no more room to stow when a 'Pick Mod' reaches 100%  of 'virtual capacity'.....'virtual capacity' being when the computer models would indicate each bin has reached its capacity to hold the items stowed therein.  But, no, the modelers aim for about 110-115% of capacity, meaning that every single bin is literally crammed full, and then some.  I wish I could take a picture of what a bin at 115% capacity looks like, but that would result in me losing my job, and being shown the phones, cameras or recording devices of any kind are allowed past the security entrance.

Great You Tube video of  the inside 
of the Fernley Fulfillment Center

Since I had gone to bed around 2:30 am I was up around 10:30, and trying to complete the installation of the new DirecTV standard receiver (we don't have HD, which is cool).  For the first time in all the years I have had DirecTV I was able to install a new receiver without getting on the was all done via their online site, and took less than 30 minutes.....most of that time being spent hooking all the cabling up to the new receiver.  One problem I had run into Wednesday evening was that the new receiver no longer uses the standard coax cable to send the audio visual signal to the now must use either RCA type cables, or HDMI cabling....both of which are quite expensive.  I opted to use an HDMI cable......8 feet at $39, but there is only one connection, and amazing picture and sound's not HD, but the picture is definitely much sharper.  Eventually I plan to run HDMI cable to the back TV, but I'll need a newer TV switch box to combine with the existing coax only box I have now.  At any rate, we have DirecTV once again, and life is back to normal.  Another thing I discovered is that our TV has 4 HDMI inputs, so I bought an extra cable to connect my laptop to the TV on the rare occasion we might be watching a movie, or TV show on the connecting an HDMI cable from the laptop to the TV we can now watch the show on the TV via the HDMI  To make the 'run' back to the bedroom TV will take about 30+ feet of HDMI cable at a cost of about $140 dollars....whew.....that much money would buy a few hundred feet of coax cable!

As it is most days, 5 pm came very quickly and we were on our way to our 11th night/day stowing at Amazon.....we got a little rain on the 3o minute drive to Fernley, but nothing too daunting.  The shift passed quickly as has been the case the other 10 days we have been stowing, and we were home by 5:10 am.  Friday is payday, and the money is always in our account a little after midnight.......seeing the new deposits each Friday also helps the time to pass more quickly....only 4 more weeks until we are once again released to roam freely about the country.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi....if you are ever interested in gate guarding...please email me at were just features in a blog of Mark and Patty's RV Adventure....

  2. Dugg....thanks for the, that is a lot less expensive! Tebra, we have thought about it, but not sure if that is for us. Will keep it in mind though!

  3. I was going to suggest monoprice as well. I have used tons of their cables with great success and they are inexpensive as all get out. Also, they are in Rancho Cucamonga so when you are in So. Cal. you can do will call and avoid the shipping. They also have a little storefront at the warehouse.


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