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6:16 pm - Sunday - January 7th - Grand Canyon - 36º F, 54% humidity, wind 5 mph out of the east by northeast. I don't know what the high was, or how the weather was, because I didn't go outside all day long for the second day in a row.
Sorry for not blogging first thing this morning as I always do, but the cold I have has really kicked my butt. I have been sleeping in my recliner to keep from coughing, but finally early this morning I went back to bed....my cough had mostly gone, but I was completely wasted.....not enough sleep for two nights in a row, and feeling like I would never get better. Now, as I write, I am feeling much better.....surprisingly better.
Saturday I called in sick, and just sat in my recliner all day coughing so much my chest hurt, and my throat felt like it must be close to hemhorraging. I had no appetite, but ate some grapefruit just to get something into my stomach. Being on blood pressure medicine, and blood thinners rules out a lot of the usual over the counter cold remedies. The doctor said I could take Benadryl, so TLE brought some home from work, and when I took that I my nose stopped running, and my cough began to abate.
At any rate, I am feeling better.....maybe another day off work and I'll be ready to go once again.
By the way, my doctor's appointment on Friday went well. The doctor is pleased with my lowered blood pressure, and I my next appointment is in one month.
Thanks for stopping by!
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