Saturday, November 21, 2020

Here we go again......

 8:43 am - Saturday - November 21st - Seal Rock, OR - 41° F, 87% humidity, wind 15 mph out of the east (it is totally calm here in site A-3, Seal Rocks, OR).....clear, blue skies today with a forecast high of 53° F.....just another balmy day on the Oregon

On this date in 2015 we were visiting three of our children in SoCal......↴

Sleeping in until after 8 am, or at least still being in bed, awake, or not, after 8 am is delicious.  The light of the new day begins to show through the curtains in the bedroom, and gradually consciousness arrives.  Knowing any day, which is every day here at Seal Rock, you don't have to be out of bed until 8 am is almost as good as the day I retired.....everyday does, truly, feel like Saturday.  Even on workdays we don't go to work until 10 am, so getting up at 8 am to get ready for work feels like Saturday,  and most of those workdays don't really feel like work at all.

After posting my latest missive I spent about 2 hours outside wiping down the VW (we had a very heavy dew), checking the air pressure in the VW and trailer tires, and adding air where necessary, rinsing off the big rear facing radiator of the Newell, retracting the window awnings which were finally dry.

Around 1 pm TLE and I drove into Newport to do a big shopping, as well as visit the local ACE Hardware store......Walmart, ACE, Safeway, and Fred Meyer are all located within 2 blocks of each other, which is very convenient, and we visited all four on this day.  By the time we were done it was after 3 pm, and time to return home with our acquisitions.  As a side, note, TP is beginning to disappear from the local store shelves again.....we had to visit three different stores to find our preferred brand, and the shelving is beginning to have that March of 2020 look again when things shut down the first time.  The local stores are already reinstituting the limit of two TP packages per we go again!

Whilst TLE put away our groceries I redeployed the Sea-B-Que. I had put it in the trailer along with the propane tank due to the very inclement weather we had the past 10 days.  TLE had purchased a beautiful London Broil a few days ago for me to grill, and Friday was the designated day.  The sun sets now around 4:45 pm, so I had the Sea-B-Que lit by 4:20 pm, and while it came up to operating temperature I strolled down the hill to catch the latest Coastal Oregon sunset.......

....the afterglow went on for about 40 minutes.....the sun is now setting well to the southwest.....

.....TLE provided a side of asparagus topped with her amazing hollandaise sauce, which she also liberally applied to the strips of London Broil she had carved off for our dinner....a picture of this amazing dish would have been quite appropriate, except I was so taken with it I forgot....sorry!

Thanks for stopping by!

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