8:25 am - Saturday - February 19th - Newell House, AZ - 51° F, 25% humidity, wind 2 mph out of the east by northeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies again today with a forecast high of 76° F. On this date in Abilene, TX where we had overnighted at a Cracker Barrel after driving 585 miles from Benson, AZ the day before......↴
Friday is always 'bacon day' in our household. Normally, in most circumstances, that would mean 4-5 strips of peppered bacon with breakfast, but since are doing the 'intermittent fasting' thing that means lunch time. TLE gives me breakfast for lunch whenever I ask, but I haven't had one of her amazing BLAT's in a long time. In order to fulfill my desires TLE told me if I wanted a BLAT we would have to go to the store to get bread. "No problem!" I said..."we'll go after we do our 1 mile walk, and I do a test drive to check the front brakes." After our walk I got in the VW and headed 1 mile out to pavement where I could get her up to speed (50 mph in this case) so I could hit the brakes, and see if the wobble was gone. I ran up to speed twice, and hit the brakes hard each time, and what do you know? The wobble is gone! I was so intent on replacing those front rotors, and pads that I ignored the obvious, more simple solution.....just have the rotors 'turned'.....in this case a simple $20 solution, as opposed to the $160 for new rotors and pads.
When I was in town Thursday waiting for my rotors to be turned I mentioned I spent about 30 minutes at the local Goodwill 'browsing' before picking up the rotors. While browsing I found a set of matched golf irons (3-9, plus pitching wedge and sand wedge) for $1.49 each.....that's less than $15 for 9 irons! I didn't pull the trigger then, but decided, since we were going to Trader Joe's anyway (right next door to Goodwill) that I would go over and buy them whilst TLE shopped....

.....that makes two complete sets of golf irons I own. I really like the feel of these clubs, the grips, and the weighting. I'll get a chance this summer to find out which set I like better, and it only cost me $13.42 for this set. Combined I think I've spent less than $40 for both sets of irons. This new set are Prima's, which are sold at chain golf stores like Nevada Bob's in Nevada. They are patterned after Ping golf clubs, which are quite expensive, so how far wrong can I go for under $14? We parked in the TJ's parking lot, and while TLE headed into the store I walked over to Goodwill to buy those clubs. I was back from Goodwill before TLE had finished shopping, so I helped her finish, and then we headed back home. The brakes are so much nicer now that the wobble is gone!
I also made another astute purchase Friday......a TORO leaf blower (brand new, in the box) for $20. I was about to pull the trigger on a $100 blower when I came across this one in Tom's garage, which he happened to be trying to sell on Facebook Market Place. We need a blower occasionally to blow leaves, pine needles, or whatever has gotten stuck in our artificial turf out of the turf. Usually, when we are working, I have access to company owned gas blowers, but that is not always the case, so having our own blower now means we can clean the turf more often......
Once again, TLE and I did two one mile walks around Newell House, and I managed to squeeze in another Jacuzzi session for good measure. Friday was a good day.....I finally finished the front brakes on the VW, got a new to me set of golf clubs, bought a blower for a killer deal, and took a Jacuzzi.....what else does a man need (other than a wonderful wife, which I already have)?
Thanks for stopping by!
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