8:33 am - Monday - February 7th - Newell House, AZ - 49° F, 19% humidity, wind 6 mph out of th4e northeast......clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 69° F. On this date in 2017 TLE and I had dental appointments in Los Algodones, AZ....in the picture below we are waiting in line to cross back into the USA after a long day of dental work.....↴

I had planned to apply the Dicor lap sealant to the 'feet' of the repositioned solar panels Sunday, but never got around to it. After writing my daily blog post TLE and I took a mile walk (4 laps around Newell House), and by the time we finished it was 10:45 am, and within 45 minutes we would need to be on the road into Surprise for lunch with Charles and Phyllis (TLE's sister), whom I have written about previously. Phyllis, a flight attendant, was on another layover in Phoenix so we wanted to have lunch again with her and Charles. At any rate, I knew by the time we returned from lunch, and then shopping (the pantry is getting bare) it would be after 3 mph, and I knew I would be wanting a nap, and not wanting to climb onto the roof....
.....we met Phyllis and Charles at VENUE Tap Room in Surprise, a place TLE found on YELP. Yelp gives them 4 stars on 122 reviews, and we would be in agreement with that assessment. We were able to get an alfresco table within seconds of our arrival, and were joined soon thereafter by Phyllis and Charles. The service was a little slow, but for us it was not an issue. We all were so absorbed in our conversation we hardly noticed. Anyway, as I always say....if the food is good, and it was, I'll wait for it. TLE ordered a Porter, and I a Nut Brown ale. For lunch I had their Southwest Chicken sandwich, which was amazing, and TLE their Sautéed Tequila Lime Shrimp which she adored. Their menu is quite brief, and I like that. Frankly, everything I saw on the menu appealed to me. Phyllis had their 'Clean Burger', and Charles their Shrimp Po' Boy sandwich. Simply said, we all loved our choices.
As always, the conversation flowed non-stop for almost and hour and a half before it was time for us to say our 'until next times' and get to shopping. I've known Charles since I was in the 7th grade (1962), and Phyllis since I was a Freshman in college (1967). To say that we are happy they are seeing each other again after a 40 year hiatus would be an understatement, and are looking forward to seeing them again in the next few weeks, if we are still here at Newell House.
Our first stop after lunch was COSTCO....silly us, we forgot it was Sunday, and Sundays are not a day to be shopping at COSTCO if you want to get in and out quickly....especially Sunday afternoon. Getting in is easy, but getting to the cashier is another matter. Here we are in line about 100' from the check stand......
.....in all I think it took us 20 minutes to get through the check stand, and then another 5 minutes to get out the door. I don't think we spent that much time shopping.....lol.From COSTCO we visited Walmart, Autozone, and O'Reilly's.....I was trying to find some Blue Magic metal polish cream to use on my ALCOA wheels Monday, but neither store had it in stock, so I had to order a couple of bottles from Amazon to be delivered, hopefully, Sunday....I have one bottle, but it will not enough to do all 4 wheels.....
.....we didn't get home until almost 4 pm, and I was a tired puppy. Within minutes of transferring our purchases from the VW to the Newell I was in my recliner taking a much needed, and deserved nap. Oh, by the way, we watched the final 4 episodes of Season 1 of 'Jack Reacher' Sunday evening and loved them! Thanks for by!
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