Saturday, May 25, 2024

Edging into the holiday weekend......

7:34 am - Saturday - May 25th - LPG&RVR - 49° F, humidity 63%, wind 2 mph out of the west by northwest.....mostly cloudy today with a forecast high of 67° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were at work at sunrise doing traffic control at Gate #2 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway....worked 16 days in a row 6 am to 6 pm, up to and including race day...... of the coolest non RV park jobs we've had over the years.

Before we got too deep into Friday TLE and I took another 2 mile out and back walk averaging 3.2 mph.  The air in late May still has that crisp fall weather feel to it, and it is nice.  I know in a few weeks the 60's and 70's temps we've had the past month will be gone until late September, early October, so we're enjoying, and appreciating them now....

At the end of each walk TLE likes to slow down, and cool down....I keep walking at my usual pace

The wind event Wednesday afternoon resulted in damage to two of our three wind chimes, so I spent part of Friday repairing them for redeployment......

The repairs were made using some white nylon string I've had for years for just this purpose

We've had this wind chime for 9 years now, so I've repaired it many times work bench in the trailer was the perfect venue for these repairs. I cannot picture nomadic life on the road without the trailer, and frankly, even if we no longer had a car, I would still tow the trailer everywhere we go.   

Over the course of the day I spent quite a bit of time in the trailer working on this and that, including using 8 stainless steel bolts to properly affix the new flag pole mounts to the side of the trailer.  I had used stainless steel sheet metal screws initially, but was certain they were not the long term solution, and I was right.  When we were in Susanville the other day I visited the local ACE Hardware store next to Safeway when TLE was doing her shopping to buy the new bolts.  When I went to remove the sheet metal screws in order to drill the holes all the way through the side of the trailer so I could insert the new bolts they were already becoming loose after just a few days of windy conditions....

New stainless steel bolts installed

.....over the course of Friday I spent several hours in the trailer working on small projects I've been putting off for much too long, which included putting away the TV I used to watch the PGA Championship while I worked around the golf cart return area.  It will come back out when the US Open is played in a couple of weeks, but for now it needed to go back into its cubbyhole.

Over the course of Friday the weekend revelers continued to flow into the park, and by nightfall there was maybe one, or two sites still unoccupied.  All day long we saw golf carts running hither and yon around the park, so I'm pretty sure the golf course was doing great business.  I make it a point not to play golf on the holiday weekends as it is just too busy for me.  I love being able to play golf with no one in front, or behind me.....I'm

Thanks for stopping by!

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