Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fall like weather.....

 6:08 am - Wednesday - May 22nd - LPG&RVR - 45° F, humidity 68%, wind 3 mph out of the west by southwest.....cloudy today with winds over 20 mph later today, and a forecast high of 66° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were dining at 'Feisty Pint' in Grand Junction, CO....first time eating in a restaurant in over 3 months due to the Wuhan Flu scare....

Day three of our four day work week was a bit easier for me than the first two.  Although I did mow for a couple of hours, there was no weed whipping.  We rented 11 golf carts Tuesday, so it was not terribly busy on the course, and the only round I made was my initial round to check for goose/duck leavings at tee box #3, and there were a lot, so my now unproven theory that those winged fowl were heading north has been dashed.  They are still here in full force, and it appears I will still be clearing 'what the birds left on the rock' into June this year.

By 11 am all of the pull through RV sites were completely empty for the first time in a few weeks, so I hooked up the cart to the screen we drag around to smooth out the gravel in all 15 sites, plus the access roads which connect them.  I finished with that around 11:50 am, just in time to mow the grass around the small pavilion before giving TLE her lunch break.

Once again I took a 30 minute lunch break, mostly to take a short nap,   before getting back to work mowing.  This time I focused on the tee boxes for hole #10, and 18 as well as the grass strip near the tee boxes for hole #1, plus the the grass around the playground equipment.  DeWayne can't get those areas with his big rough mower, so I do it once a week for him.  I'm still riding the ever so slow John Deere riding lawnmower to do these tasks as the small Husqvarna 2 bag mower is still in the ER.  We're having trouble locating the correct ignition coil for it due to its age.  At any rate I was finished with that mowing by 3:15 pm, and headed back to the Clubhouse to begin the daily afternoon ritual of washing and parking the returned golf carts.  By the time I headed for home at 4:15 pm all but three carts had been returned, so I'll have them to wash Thursday morning.

I headed home at 4:15 pm, took an appropriately long hot shower, then returned to the Clubhouse to practice my putting.  By 5:10 pm TLE was locking the door to the Clubhouse, and we were on our way home.  The weather continues to be colder than normal (was in the high 70's this time last year) for this time of year, and I am still wearing my heavy duty jacket to work until around 10 am each day, when it is warm enough to wear one of my hooded sweatshirts, and I really never take that off the rest of the day.  I know in 5, or 6 weeks we'll look back fondly upon these cold Fall like days, but for now I will continue to

Thanks for stopping by!

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