Monday, May 27, 2024

Sometimes you need that....

6:10 am - Monday - May 27th - LPG&RVR - 47° F, humidity 68%, wind zero mph out of the north by northwest.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 81° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I were riding our bikes along the shores of Lake Coeur d'Alene....

I didn't really leave site #55 all day long Sunday, other than to take a 2 mile out and back walk with TLE.  Was I outside? Yes, of course.  I did a little weeding on the downhill side of the dining/gaming deck in preparation for the receipt of our new Ozark Trail dining canopy Monday.  Additionally, I put two more coats of clear coat on the 2' x 4' piece of plywood upon which the Sea-B-Que sits.  I've had the new clear coat for over a week, but hadn't applied it yet.  Other than that I spent a lot of time on the 'lido deck' in the shade on one of our warmest days in a couple of weeks watching the 4th round of the latest PGA event.

TLE and I did take the aforementioned walk around 10:30 am....another of the 2 mile out and back variety....our 14th of the season putting us at 28 miles walked so far.  I think we'll get over 100+ miles pretty easily this summer.....

.....TLE did a lot of food prep in preparation for our upcoming 4 day work week.  I think there is going to be some great beef stew this week!

Other than the weeding and spraying clear coat, not much else was accomplished by me....TLE got a lot done, and good for  It was just a lazy Sunday for me, and sometimes you need that....thanks for stopping by!

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