Friday, May 17, 2024

This and that.....

7:04 am - Friday - May 17th - LPG&RVR - 46° F, humidity 66%, wind 1 mph out of the north by northwest.....partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 74° F.  On this date in 2014 TLE and I arrived at Tahoe Valley Campground for the first of 4 summers there....

After all that work on Wednesday I decided to take a rest day and do as little as possible, but you know that is not really possible with me, don't you?  While I did not do much of what you would call 'manual' labor, I was busy doing something most of the day.  TLE and I took another of our 2 mile out and back walks around 8:30 am....that is the earliest we have taken a walk since we arrived 5 weeks ago.  The forecast high was predicted to be 82° F, and for us that is a warm day, so we wanted to get an early start......

....we managed a meager 3.2 mph for the two miles.

I've had to sets of golf clubs in my locker at the Clubhouse since 2022, and it was time to move one of the bags out as the locker was very cramped.  How I got two complete sets of golf clubs with bags in that locker I don't know.  I also had two sets of golf shoes, so I pulled the older set out, along with the bag of clubs I no longer use and took them back to the trailer to sort through.

I forgot I had 3 extra putters in there along with two drivers, two 3 woods, and two 5 woods.  I pulled out those extra clubs, keeping the best ones, and will deliver them to Goodwill along with the extra putters when we visit Klamath Falls on Friday.  Yup, we're going to Klamath Falls Friday morning to do some junking, and shopping, then spend the night at our favorite Shilo Inn, returning Saturday afternoon to LPG&RVR in time for the putting contest....can't miss the putting contest.  I'm sure, eventually, I'll part with the extra set of clubs, and bag, but for now I'll keep them in the trailer.

Since we're heading to Klamath Falls Friday morning I washed the VW, and while I was at it, the driver side of the Newell.  I've been putting off washing the Newell until I was sure we were done with rain for a while, and it appears we finally are.  I'll get the rest of the Newell washed on our next four day weekend.  I also dumped our black probably could have gone another few days, but I didn't want to deal with it during our four day work week, which begins Sunday, so I did it Thursday.

TLE processed several loads of laundry, and planted some of the wildflower seeds in the three flower beds we created, so in 1-3 weeks, according to the package instructions, we'll see if she has a green, or brown  We haven't had the best luck with seeds the past two years, so we're hoping these wildflower seeds will germinate as they should, in spite of lack of prior success.

Thursday was all the first round of the annual PGA Championship being held at Valhalla Golf Club (a Jack Nicklaus designed course) in Louisville, KY this weekend, so we had three of our four TVs tuned to ESPN (salon, trailer, and outdoor TVs).  I did manage to spend about an hour ensconced in my anti gravity recliner, but was otherwise occupied with one thing, or another most the day.  By the time I reentered the Newell for the final time Thursday it was almost 5 pm, and I was ready for a nap!

By the way, since we will be in Klamath Falls overnight I will probably not write about Friday until after we return Saturday afternoon...we'll see.

Thanks for stopping by!

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