Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Intermediate goal achieved.....FINALLY

6:08 am - Wednesday - May 29th - LPG&RVR - 43° F, humidity 70%, wind 7 mph out of the north by northwest......cloudy today with a forecast high of 69° F.  On this date in 2018 TLE and I were at Thurston's Lobster Pound near Southwest Harbor, ME....

 Tuesday was a day of irrigation for me.  For the first time this season we flooded the Meadows back in sites, which is how they are watered.....

Water flowing from the pond up the hill....

....into each site...there are ten in all

....additionally I set two sprinklers at the night registration office to water the large grass area which surrounds it....there is no sprinkler system for that area so we do it manually.  I spent most of the day bouncing between those areas moving sprinklers, and checking on the progress of the irrigation water as it slowly filled each site, then flowed through a pipe under each site to the next grass area.  Since the ground has not been irrigated for 6 months it takes a while for the water to soak into the soil, then pool, then flow into the next grass area.

In between that I mowed the small Gazebo area, and trimmed around the Gazebo in preparation for the next group to arrive on Thursday, and mowed the one Meadows back in site, which I had not done last week, before the irrigation water got to it.

We rented 14 golf carts in all Tuesday, and all but one had returned by 5 pm....not too bad.  By the end of the day I had only been able to irrigate 6 of the 10 Meadows back in sites before it was time to shut off the flow.  Now that the ground is saturated in the first 6 sites, it will be easier to get all 10 next week.

The temp only got to 75° F Tuesday, but by June 7th we'll be in the 90's, it appears.  Not looking forward to that, but it is what it is.  That being said, I am adjusting to the warming temperatures more quickly than last year.  

By the by, I'm now down to 187 pounds.  The last time I was that low was just after my double hernia surgery back in 2014.  You may recall I was on the 'Subway diet' then, and lost about 30 pounds.  This time I'm just moving more, and eating way less, plus I've cut out alcohol on the four days I work, and I only have an adult beverage once, or twice on days I don't work.  So, I've finally gotten to my intermediate goal of 187, now I'm going for 177 by the end of the summer.  I haven't seen that territory since the early 90's.

Thanks for stopping by!

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