1:53 pm - Saturday - July 30th - Likely, CA - 101° F, 9% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the southeast.....partly cloudy today with the forecast high of the day having arrived. On this date in 2012 TLE and I were in Long Beach, WA on the Olympic Peninsula......↴

Friday was fated to be another of those triple digit ones, and we had no plans to be outside anymore than necessary. We had the front A/C running before 10 am, and ran it until almost 4 pm before switching to the rear A/C for the balance of the day, and early evening. We prefer to just run the rear A/C as it is quieter in the salon where we spend most of our time when indoors, however, we recognize the need to exercise both A/C's daily during these heat spells, so we run them both each day for several hours. It may be why they still both work so well after 40 years, and 14 years under our stewardship. Mechanical things need to be used on a regular basis to retain optimum performance. Ultimately, the temp once again reached 101° F, but we remained comfortable inside our Newell.
For dinner TLE made some burritos to which I added some sour cream, and pico de gallo.....once again, restaurant quality. It is a privilege to be married to someone such as TLE, who is not only a very good cook, but she truly enjoys preparing our meals, and surprising me with something unexpected....she has been doing that since the first meal she prepared for me on our honeymoon back in 1971 on the shores of South Lake Tahoe.....
.....to add to the evenings festivities we had an interesting sunset for the first time in a while.....
.....I really wanted to sit outside around 9 pm, but it was still too warm. We're looking forward to Monday through Friday when the daily highs will be back in the mid to high 80's, and I am sure it will be pleasant to sit outside after 7 pm on those days.
Thanks for stopping by!
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