This little corner of Montana seems to be somewhere between heaven and earth to me. The little town, East Glacier, we have been staying in for almost a week now has a population of 367 permanent residents according to the sign out on US-2, the main drag through town.......of course, right now, in the height of the summer season with all the seasonal workers in town, it is probably a lot more......but still, I love the small town atmosphere that just permeates every corner of this town. The little RV park we are staying in typically has 4-5 RV's in it at any one time. There are two empty spots to our driver's side, and 3 to our passenger side, so we are loving the quiet and the privacy right now.
Since the weather guesser's were guessing a 40% chance of rain for Thursday we decided not to take any hikes, but just stay close to home. I took care of a few "fixit" projects around the coach and trailer, and then spent a lot of time sorting through my clothing in both closets, my drawers, and a Rubbermaid bin under the bed. It was time to part ways with a few old favorites that I have not worn in months, and gain some extra space in my drawers and closets. I have been maintaining this delicate balance of always having just enough t-shirts in the laundry hamper at all times giving me enough room for the ones that are clean, and thus, until recently, have not had to make any hard decisions. However, TLE has gotten very ambitious lately, and has been doing a lot of all my clean t-shirts will not fit at the same time in the two drawers I reserve exclusively for their storage. So it was time to cull out a few more t-shirts that have not seen the light of day for some time.
I know, it's kind of sad that I can spend a few hours reorganizing my t-shirt drawers, and talk about it as a highlight of my day, but I like the fact I have time to do that now.......I didn't have time back in our "sticks and bricks" life.
All the while the rain kept threatening to move beyond a few sprinkles here and there, but never quite got to what I would call rain. Around 3 pm we decided we would walk over to Luna's Restaurant which is about 1-1.5 miles from the park we are in. Normally we would have driven the car with rain threatening, and those steely clad clouds were looking ominous, but we decided to walk nonetheless. We both took our rain parkas just in case......if it rains it rains.
We arrived at Luna's around 3:40 to more sprinkles from above and opted for indoor dinning. By this time it was getting cold and breezy, and we were sure the rain would finally come. All of the major restaurant raters (Trip Advisor, Urban Spoon and Yelp) give Luna's 4 to 4.5 stars (best being 5), and I think that's just about right. There was a lull in patronage as we arrived so we had the restaurant and servers to ourselves. We started with an appetizer sampler of green bean fries, sweet potato fries, onion rings, and zucchini fries, which could have sufficed (and should have, I might add) as a main course.....very, very good! For her main course TLE opted for the Sweet Potato Red Pepper Soup (advertised as a Vegan dish), and I opted for the tri-tip steak sandwich. Both were delicious, but I wish I had picked something a little less filling.....I really didn't need that much food. Nevertheless, the Tri-Tip was amazing, and I did eat every single bite. Of course there were some adult beverages......a glass of Cab for TLE and a Moose Drool for moi.
As we started our walk back to town it began to sprinkle again, this time enough to force us to pull up our hoodies, and zip up the parkas. We stopped off at the Trading Post for some half and half, and a bottle of Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc for later consumption. By the time we reached the coach it was still sprinkling, but still nothing hard.
We watched a few recorded programs, and then turned in for the night around 10:30.......I was awakened around 2 am to a heavy, heavy downpour that continued on for the rest of the night. I slept until almost 8 am, and had a hard time deciding to get out of bed as it was so pleasant just lying there enjoying the sound of rain on the roof, and snuggling with TLE. The weather guessers are telling us it will rain all day Friday.....we'll see. Looks like a nice day to be inside reading, and napping. I's a tough life, but somebody has got to live it.....I'm just glad it's me.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Enjoy! I know I'm enjoying your posts, keep em coming.