Thursday, August 8, 2013

Leaving "flat land above lake"

This is how the morning of our last day in the RV ghetto started.....a breathtaking sunrise.....yeah, okay, I do get up early enough to capture a sunrise once and a while.

By Wednesday morning we had most of the flooring in the kitchen back together....out of 9 pieces removed 7 were back in place.  I was just waiting for the glue to dry on the final pieces before I snapped them back into place.

The forecast for Wednesday in Kalispell was HOT......well, hot for us was supposed to hit 88-90 degrees, which seems hot when you've been used to 60's and 70's for weeks on end.  Sitting in the middle of an asphalt parking lot just magnifies the heat as you can we had planned to move back up into the mountains to take advantage of the free parking offered by Flathead Lake Winery......the forecast for Columbia Falls was in the mid to low 80's....much more to our liking.

So, while TLE went into Walmart to buy a few items I started buttoning up the coach for travel.  It was 23 miles to Flathead Lake Winery, so not a long travel day by anyone's definition, unless you're traveling in a Conestoga wagon with a couple of oxen pulling you along.

We left the RV ghetto in our rearview mirrors (TLE drove the point in putting it back in the trailer for 23 miles) around 1:15 and were settling in to our new dry camp spot around 2.  It's nice to be back in the pine trees, and at a little higher elevation.....maybe about 500' higher.  On the passenger side of our coach, and down about 100 yards is Bailey Lake.  In fact there are three small lakes within a mile of our location, so we've got some bike riding and exploring to do over the next few days.

Our plan is to spend 3-4 days here and then begin to work our way south to Missoula by the 17th where we will park the coach for two days while we make a run down to Salt Lake City for the wedding of my brother's daughter.  We've found a good place to park the coach, and it will only cost about $30 for the two days we'll be gone.

Around 6 I started up the BBQ and cooked two chicken breasts for dinner.  It was still a little hot inside from TLE's use of the stove to cook the rice, so we sat outside to eat in the shade.

Around 10 we settled in to watch the current installment of "Master Chef", and then off to slumberland.  There are no city lights up here, and it is pitch black at night......just like we like it!  Thursday we'll head into the west side of Glacier National Park through the West Glacier entrance to see what we have not yet seen.

Thanks for stopping by!

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