Part of living in a home with wheels......just like living in a "sticks and bricks" there must be a day for cleaning......especially when you live in close proximity to the great outdoors, as we do, it is impossible to keep the great outdoors from invading the great indoors. Thursday it was time to clean up.
When TLE gets into cleaning mode, and she was in such a mode on Thursday, I just need to get out of the way......she is one of the world's great multi-taskers. While a load of wash is being processed by the splendid Splendide washer/dryer she has the vacuum out, is washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, etc......sometimes it is just better for me to go outside and find something to do.
While the whirlwind was eradicating dirt and grime from our interior living area I spent time putting things away in preparation for our Friday morning departure for Missoula, as well as cleaning off some water over spray from from a sprinkler, and just generally cleaning up the rear of the coach.
Once TLE had whipped the inside back into shape I retreated back inside as it was getting warm quickly.....the high for Thursday was forecast to get up to 93, and I think it got at least that high. I took a little time to complete the re-installation of the wood flooring in front of the shower. It was damaged a little worse than the wood in the kitchen, so I needed to do a little more work to fit it back together.....I think it came out pretty good.
After that I joined TLE in reading.....I had a couple of books on my Kindle I hadn't read yet, and it was too hot outside to do much that didn't involve profuse sweating.
During all of this I got an e-mail from my brother down in South Jordan telling me my replacement phone was sitting on his desk awaiting my arrival on 24 hours after I filed the claim....that's about as good as it gets.
There really was not much more to the day.....I finished one of my Kindle books and got well into the next one.....I've found a new Western author I am really beginning to enjoy....Ben Bridges, and his books on Amazon are about $.99 to $1.49 each.
Since we want to get out of Polson early for the 95+ mile drive south to Missoula to avoid the heat of the day we headed off to dreamland earlier than normal.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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